Descent Into Chaos

Descent Into Chaos by Ahmed Rashid

Book: Descent Into Chaos by Ahmed Rashid Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ahmed Rashid
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    First published in 2008 by Viking Penguin, a member of Penguin Group (USA) Inc.

    Copyright © Ahmed Rashid, 2008
    All rights reserved
Rashid, Ahmed.
Descent into Chaos : the United States and the failure of nation building in Pakistan,
Afghanistan, and Central Asia / Ahmed Rashid.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
    eISBN : 978-1-4406-3104-7
    1. Afghanistan—Politics and government—2001- 2. Pakistan—Politics and government—1988-
3. South Asia—Relations—United States. 4. United States—Relations—South Asia. I. Title.
DS371.4.R37 2008
954.05’3—dc22 2008002949
    • Set in Granjon
Maps by Jeffrey L. Ward
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This book is dedicated to my children
    Rafael and Saara
    and to their friends Mohammed, Ameera, Emile, Sasha, Mehvish, Graham,
Naveen, Arooj, Taimur, Mamdot, Rachel, Lucy, Shabaz, Charley, Zoha,
Sarah, Amar, Jamal, Dona, and many more.
    May you build nations.
    And in loving memory of Begum Qamar F. R. Khan.

If the Central Asian Society exists and is meeting in fifty or a hundred years hence, Afghanistan will be as vital and important a question as it is now.
    —Lord Curzon, speaking at the annual dinner of the Royal Asiatic Society, London, 1908
    Go massive—sweep it all up, things related and not.
    —U.S. secretary of defense Donald Rumsfeld, speaking to his aides on September 11, 2001, after the Pentagon was attacked

    Abdali, Ahmad Shah— King and founder of modern Afghanistan in 1747.
    Abu Ghraib— Prison in Iraq where U.S. soldiers carried out torture and abuses.
    Afghan Militia Force (AMF)— Tribal mercenaries hired by the CIA and U.S. forces to help guard the border with Pakistan.
    Ahmad, Mehmood— General and director-general of ISI from 1999 until October 2001.
    Akayev, Askar— President of Kyrgyzstan, 1991-2006.
    Albright, Madeleine— U.S. secretary of state, 1997-2001.
    Al Qaeda— Islamic terrorist group led by Osama bin Laden.
    Amin, Hafizullah— Second president of Afghanistan from the Khalq Party, killed by Soviet invaders in December 1979.
    Andijan— Town in the Ferghana Valley, in Uzbekistan, where 800 to 1,200 people were killed in May 2005.
    Awami National Party— Moderate and secular Pashtun nationalist party in the

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