Delusions of Gender

Delusions of Gender by Cordelia Fine

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Authors: Cordelia Fine
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Rebecca, 230–31
    Bird, Chris, 151–52
    birth announcements, 194–95
    Bishop, Katherine, 138
    Blair, Sampson Lee, 80
    Bleier, Ruth, 106, 136, 177–78, 261, 268, 271–72, 273
    Blum, Lenore, 47–48
    body language, attitudes expressed in, 200–201
    Boston Globe
, xxviii, 152–53
    Bradley, Karen, 94–95
    amygdala in, 149, 163, 276–77
    anterior cingulate in, 152
    association cortices in, 103
    attribution of innateness to sex differences in, 170–71, 174–75
    cerebral cortex in, 156, 163, 164, 276–77
    communication centres in, 99
    as coproduced by biology and environment, 177–78, 236
    difficulty in inferring mind from, 140, 142, 175
    distributed neural networks in, 143–44
    environmental influences on, 176–78
    evolutionary psychology and, 176
    frontal lobes in, 146
    gender differences as hardwired in, xv–xvi, xviii–xix, xxiv, 9, 13, 18–19, 50–51, 91, 107–9, 111, 116, 139, 144, 155–56, 158–61, 178–80, 185–86, 191, 275
    gene expression and, 176–77, 236
    hippocampus in, 164
    inferior parietal lobe (IPL) in, 155–56
    lack of knowledge about, xxvii–xxviii, 150, 169
    limbic system in, 156
    neuroconstructivist view of, 177
    organisational-activational hypothesis of, 101–6
    parietal lobes in, 146
    plasticity of, 176–77, 236, 246
    see also
female brain; male brain
    Brain Gender
(Hines), 40
    brain imaging:
    control vs. experimental tasks in, 134–35
    file-drawer phenomenon and, 134, 137
    limitations of insights into psychological function from, 142–54, 157, 166, 169
    real vs. spurious results in, 133–35, 137–38, 150, 175–76
    reverse inference in, 151–53, 155
    sample size in, 137, 138, 150
    sex differences as observed in, xxii, 137–39, 143, 145–45, 148, 160–61, 163–64, 272, 273, 274–75, 276–78, 279
    see also
    Brain Sex
(Moir and Jessel), xxi–xxii
    brain size:
    IQ and, xxiv–xxv, 132, 141
    in women vs. men, xxiv, 132, 141, 143, 274–75, 278–79
    Brescoll, Victoria, 58–59
    Brizendine, Louann, xv–xvi, xxii, 14, 19, 99–100, 104, 157–62, 167, 191
    Broca, Paul, xxiv
    Brown, Lyn, 220–21, 222
    Bruer, John, 166
    Buracas, Giedrius, 152
    Burton, Frances, 123, 124, 126–27, 128
    Bussey, Kay, 206
    Cabot, Richard, 233–34
    Cadinu, Mara, 32
congenital adrenal hyperplasia
    Caldecott Medal books, 220–21, 222–23, 285
    Cameron, Deborah, 63–64, 271
    care, ethic of, 24–25
    career decisions:
    gender stereotypes and, 48–49
    implicit associations and, 83–84
    Carnegie-Mellon University, 46–48
    Carr-Gregg, Michael, 208
    Castelli, Luigi, 199–201
    Castle, Cora, xxiv
    causation, correlation vs., 145, 273
    CBS News
, 169
    Ceci, Stephen, 254
    Center for Work-Life Policy, 51
    cephalic index, 132
    Charles, Maria, 94–95
    Cheryan, Sapna, 45–46
    assimilation of racial attitudes by, 199–201
    in-group bias in, 228
    see also
newborns; parenting
    children, assimilation of gender identity by, xx, 207–13, 214–25, 238–39, 283
    ‘biology as fallback’ explanations for, xx, 189–91, 203, 216, 226
    gender-coded clothing and, 207–11, 215
    media and, 214–15, 218–23, 285
    metaphorical cues and, 224
    peer feedback and, 218
    self-socialising and, 128, 226–32
    tomboyism and, 268
    toy and play choice and, 110–11, 198, 202–3, 205–6, 218, 229–31, 268, 282
    children’s books and media, gender stereotypes in, 214–15, 218–23, 285
    Civil Rights Act (1964), 41
    Clarke, Edward, 166
    Clinton, Hillary, 58
    clothing, gender-coded, 207–11, 215, 226–27, 238–39
    cognitive performance, testosterone and, 37–38, 129
    communal traits, 3, 61
    competition, testosterone and, 252
    computer science:
    Armenian women in, 93–94
    geek stereotype of, 44–48
    women’s contributions to, 45
    congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH), 119–23, 137
    gender identity and, 267–68
    language lateralisation and, 137
    mental rotation and, 121
    systemising vs. empathy in, 120–21
    and toy and play choice, 121–22, 130, 231
    Connellan, Jennifer,

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