Death in the Peerless Pool

Death in the Peerless Pool by Deryn Lake

Book: Death in the Peerless Pool by Deryn Lake Read Free Book Online
Authors: Deryn Lake
do me the honour of joining me.’
    She tortured him for a good half-minute. ‘Well …’
    â€˜You have another appointment?’
    â€˜I promised my sister, Kitty, that I would go straight home and play cards with her.’
    Despite the fact that he attempted to control it, the Apothecary could feel his face falling. ‘Oh, I see.’
    Coralie smiled, and John’s heart lurched. ‘But as it has been such an age since we met, I am quite sure she will understand.’
    The grin was on his lips before he could stop it. ‘I am the happiest man in London.’
    Coralie’s cool green stare had a hint of mordancy in its depths. ‘Oh, surely not.’
    Momentarily, the Apothecary showed his real feelings.
    â€˜Oh, surely yes,’ he said, bowing very slightly. He became incisive. ‘Now, Madam, where would you care to sup? I had thought of The Rose in Covent Garden, but if that is not acceptable to you …’
    Coralie gave him a ravishing look, fair set to steal his heart. ‘It would be most acceptable. We are bound to see the leading dramatists of our day at its tables.’
    â€˜To say nothing of our leading actresses. Your performance tonight was sovereign, if I may speak so boldly.’
    Like all in her profession, Miss Clive glowed. ‘Do you really think so?’
    â€˜I think, Madam, that you have now reached the high mark set by your sister, and that one day, not so far away, you may well surpass her.’
    Coralie looked modest. ‘Kitty is the leader of our field, despite the pretensions of Miss Woffington, who has risen to the heights of her fame in the prone position, in my view.’
    John’s elegantly mobile eyebrows rose. ‘You refer to Mr Garrick?’
    â€˜Indeed I do.’
    The Apothecary laughed. ‘There’s mischief in your look, Miss Clive.’
    â€˜Is there really, Mr Rawlings?’
    â€˜There certainly is. Now let me hail a hackney coach before I tell you how beautiful you are and make a complete fool of myself.’
    Miss Clive lowered her eyes. ‘I thought your interests lay elsewhere.’
    â€˜Who told you that?’
    â€˜Your long absences.’
    â€˜Last time we met you called me a positive ruffian.’
    â€˜Well, so you were; unshaven, unwashed, a veritable vagabond.’
    â€˜I had just come straight from the Romney Marsh to London with not a moment in which to do anything about my appearance.’
    Coralie smiled. ‘I know, but in my defence I was not aware of it at the time.’
    â€˜Then you forgive me?’
    â€˜Let us forget the whole incident.’
    â€˜Gladly,’ said John, and kissed her hand.
    It was at that moment that a hackney appeared round the corner and dropped off a passenger. Hurrying, the Apothecary managed to secure it and made much of helping Miss Clive up the step and into its somewhat odoriferous confines. And, once inside, he snuggled as close to her as he possibly could without appearing extravagant in his behaviour. To his relief, Coralie did not move away.
    John cleared his throat. ‘I read that Richmond married last year,’ he said with a bold attempt at being casual.
    The actress raised her chin. ‘Yes, I went to the wedding, and a very fine affair it was.’
    â€˜His bride is very beautiful, I believe.’
    â€˜Her nickname is The Lovely, she is so blessed with looks. Do you know what Walpole said about the pair of them?’
    â€˜The perfectest match in all the world; youth, beauty, riches, alliances, and all the blood of all the kings from Robert the Bruce to Charles II. Isn’t it sickening?’
    Coralie turned a brilliant glance in the Apothecary’s direction. ‘I take it you are much relieved that the Duke is finally spoken for.’
    His attempt at nonchalance became pitiable. ‘I’ve always been fond of Richmond. He and I have never fallen

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