Death in the Peerless Pool

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Book: Death in the Peerless Pool by Deryn Lake Read Free Book Online
Authors: Deryn Lake
formally, then asking her to be your wife? After all, you were twenty-seven in June, not too young to enter into matrimony.’
    The Apothecary sighed. ‘Father, as I have told you several times – Miss Clive is wedded to the theatre. She has no wish to marry at this stage of her career.’
    Sir Gabriel attacked a pear, rather savagely, John thought. ‘I fail to see why she cannot have both,’ he said with acerbity. ‘Many great ladies of the theatre are married women.’
    â€˜Perhaps she is afraid that a child might come along and spoil her chance of success.’
    â€˜But you are an apothecary, John, and obviously know a great deal more about the prevention of such an occurrence than does the average male.’
    His son nodded. ‘Thanks to that gallant soldier, Colonel Cundum, there really is no longer any need for men to go forth and multiply.’
    Sir Gabriel smiled wickedly. ‘But is Miss Clive aware of such an invention?’
    For the first time during their conversation, John looked embarrassed. ‘How would I know? She is a woman of our times, so I presume so. After all, the Colonel created his device over a hundred years ago. It is hardly anything new.’
    Sir Gabriel lifted an elegant hand. ‘Enough of that. The question of your future can be decided only by you. As to the present, a Runner from Bow Street called last evening with a letter from Mr Fielding. Would you like it brought to the table?’
    The Apothecary nodded, and his father gave instructions to a footman. A few minutes later the letter bearing the seal of the Public Office was delivered on a silver tray. Breaking the wax, John scanned the contents.
    My dear Mr Rawlings.
    Much of Interest has occurred in the last Few Hours. Forbes, the Warder from the Hospital for Poor Lunatics, has been to the Mortuary and Identified the Dead Woman as Hannah Rankin. He was Sore put about at the Duty and in Much Need of Brandy due to the Ordeal of It.
    Further, the References presented by Hannah Rankin when She made Application to the Hospital have now Been Located. They give Two Addresses in Bath. Sir, may I Trespass Yet Again on your Good Nature and ask if You might go there to make Further Investigation. Though I could send the ‘Flying’ Runners I feel that You might Succeed more Greatly with Society Folk. All Expenses will be met by this Office.
    I remain, Sir, your most Sincere Friend,
    J. Fielding.
    A couple of addresses were enclosed on a separate piece of paper.
    â€˜A summons?’ said Sir Gabriel.
    â€˜To Bath, no less.’
    â€˜That should prove amusing. It will be the height of the season.’
    Thinking that he would rather stay in London and pay court to Coralie, John nodded. ‘It will indeed. Ah well, I had better get to the shop and warn Nicholas that he will be in charge once more.’
    â€˜Will you send for Master Gerard?’
    â€˜He is getting very old and frail. I think I shall ask him to attend only on alternate days. Nicholas has been apprenticed three years now and his area of knowledge is considerable.’
    â€˜Perhaps that is one of the advantages of signing indentures with an older boy.’
    â€˜You may be right at that.’ John stood up. ‘I’ll get to my packing. I shall catch a flying coach from the Golden Cross, Charing Cross, late this afternoon, and so go straight from the shop.’
    Sir Gabriel looked very slightly put out. ‘That is a blow. A footman of Lord Anthony’s came earlier this morning with an invitation for us to dine today.’
    â€˜A pleasure I shall have to forgo, though please present my compliments.’
    John’s father looked reflective. ‘What a terrible tale they had to tell us yesterday; about the abduction of young Meredith. Do you think that by any chance the boy is still alive?’
    The Apothecary’s expression was grim as he answered, ‘If he is, you can depend on it that it

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