Dead Man's Curves (BBW Vampire Paranormal Erotic Romance) [KOBO ED]
Chapter One
    T o say her day had been bad was an understatement, so when the vampire cornered her in the religious and rare books section of the library and pinned her to the shelves, Chloe Banks' first thought was , Oh yes, of course. Naturally.
    In fact, the vampire was probably the least of her problems. That morning, she'd awoken to the sounds of a woman who was not her getting laid on her living room couch.
    Confusion had reigned for a moment. Who was in her apartment, and why wasn't her fiance James chasing them out with a broom? He was by far the lighter sleeper. Chloe could sleep through the end of the world.
    But that question had been answered when she looked over to the other side of the bed and found it empty, just as she heard James out in the other room whispering to the woman to keep her voice down. So Chloe had rolled out of bed, pulled on a comfy robe, and, in a daze, wandered out into her living room to find her fiance and her best friend fucking on her couch. James was balls deep in Jenny's ass, and Jenny, face-down in the cushions, wanted the world to know she liked it.
    “What the hell?” Chloe had said. There hadn't been much more to say.
    James glanced up and saw her.
    “Fuck,” he said, and came inside her best friend.
    So yeah. That had been a bad start.
    That neither James nor Jenny seemed repentant made it worse.  
    We're in love, they said.
    That James tried to blame her for growing distant and for putting on a few pounds since graduation— you've been so busy with work, he said, I've grown close to Jenny, I can talk to her, he said, you're lifestyle is unhealthy, he said—well, that was like a knife to the gut. Chloe had always been the larger friend, but she'd never envied 'Skinny Jenny' her figure until now.
    And then James, the sole name on the apartment lease, had asked her to leave. This apartment is bigger, he'd said. We can trade. You take Jenny's. We'll figure something out...
    So yeah. It had been a bad day. Chloe had spent most of it in a trance, which meant she fucked up her job more than once, and finally invited a scathing recrimination from her superior, Deena. When the tears had threatened to finally well up and overflow, she had fled to the safety and silence of the top floor of the library, where all the rare tomes were kept. There she shut herself in the rare books reading room and sobbed her eyes out, only stopping when someone knocked on the glass windows, presumably requiring help.
    Drying her eyes and forcing herself to look presentable, Chloe exited the reading room, keeping her gaze down so she didn't have to endure any further humiliation like a stranger's compassion, and asked the patron if she could help him with anything. At the time, she thought nothing of it, but the shoes she had affixed her gaze upon were extremely scuffed and dirty. And dated.
    “I believe you can help me,” said the patron. Then he grabbed her, shoved her against the shelves, and pinned her wrists above her head in a grip so tight she thought she heard her bones creak.
    She knew he was a vampire right away. Entirely aside from the fact that she was a huge fan of vampire fiction—and she was a librarian, so she had access to quite a bit of it—there were several things that clued her in to this fact.
    For one, once she looked at his face, she discovered that he was preternaturally beautiful. His skin was pale and smooth and his messy dark hair fell into mesmerizing eyes. To be fair he seemed a bit too thin, but, Chloe reasoned, no one was perfect, not even vampires.
    That wasn't the only thing, though. For another, his hand on her wrists as he held them above her head was as cold as a corpse's, and no heat rolled from his body despite how close he stood to her. They were so close, in fact, that her full breasts, heaving with the rush of adrenaline in her veins, actually brushed over the tattered jacket he wore. Which was another thing—he was dressed like a guy who had just risen from

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