Dead Man's Curves (BBW Vampire Paranormal Erotic Romance) [KOBO ED]
the grave, his once-fine clothes now faded rags barely clinging to his frame.
    Then there was the part where he was attempting to glamour her.
    “I'm going to suck your blood,” he was saying, his voice low and soothing, “but you will remember only a passionate kiss, stolen from a handsome student whom you've never seen before. You will not scream, no matter how it hurts...and it will...but you will remain silent, and bear it...”
    Yeah. That was creepy.
    Oh, and also he had fangs. They gave him a lisp. That was a pretty big tip-off.
    This was where she found herself now. On the worst day of her life, best-friendless, fiance-less, homeless, and trapped in a secluded spot by a supernatural predator hellbent on drinking her blood. Which, she supposed, wouldn't have been so bad as long as he left some behind for her to use, but she'd been planning on selling it later for extra cash and this was just going to shoot that all to shit.
    It said a lot about her mental state that Chloe did not immediately dissolve into a messy puddle of panic upon realizing that, point A, vampires existed, and, point B, she was about to become a snack for one. It just seemed like par for the course for a day like today.
    “...and when you wake up,” the vampire was droning, “you will be only pleasantly confused, and will sit here for ten minutes until the dizziness wears off, whereupon you will continue about your business—”
    “No way, I am not doing that,” Chloe said without thinking. “I was planning on selling that blood, I need to remember you stole it.”
    Her voice cracked through the stale library air like a slap to the face.
    Silence fell as the vampire stopped in mid-soothing chant and stared at her.
    “What?” he said after a moment.
    Chloe tried to ignore her pounding heart. It wasn't that she wasn't scared; she was. Quite scared. But it was more that losing her precious—and valuable—blood to an undead parasite would have been the snot topping on the shit sundae that had been her day, no matter how pretty the parasite appeared to be. She just didn't need the hassle .
    She cleared her throat. “I said , I need it. I'm kind of strapped for cash.” There was no way she was moving into Jenny's apartment. She somehow had to scrape enough together for another deposit. She needed that blood.
    The vampire stared at her.
    Chloe wondered if she could appeal to his better nature. Sure, he was a vampire, but he probably had a better nature hidden in there somewhere. “And really, I'd kind of prefer you didn't do it in the first place? I've had a really shit day and don't feel like getting drained by a vampire on top of all my other issues, okay?”
    If anything he looked even more surprised at this. His face went utterly still, which lent a far creepier air of deadness to him.
    But at least he wasn't biting her. Yet. That was good, right? She kept babbling because she didn't know what else to do. She tried to be helpful. As a curator of knowledge sent to guide lost lambs to the wisdom they sought, being helpful came naturally to her. Librarianship was serious business, and she fell back on it now.
    “But, you know, it's cool. If that's your thing, I know you gotta do what you gotta do. But maybe you should pick people who don't need all their blood? And maybe be a little more suave about it, I think that might help soften the blow. You'll need some new clothes first since yours aren't in the best shape. And they're a bit dated. Did you die in the fifties? Untuck your shirt, you look like a grandpa with your pants so high on your waist. Your suit jacket is nice—oh, you have a vest, too—okay, your suit was very nice when it was new, but it won't pass now, and most people don't wear suits anyway. You'd look good in leather. Or, um, you know... Something fitted. You know, to show off your, uh... Well, uh, what I mean is if you're going to lure unsuspecting young ladies into your arms for a quick snack you'll need to clean up a

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