Darrington 01 - Marriage Minded Lord

Darrington 01 - Marriage Minded Lord by Sandra Sookoo

Book: Darrington 01 - Marriage Minded Lord by Sandra Sookoo Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sandra Sookoo
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    Felix leaned in a placed a kiss on her cheek. “Thank you. I only require a few minutes with her, and I promise to buy you that pearl necklace you’ve been admiring.” The prospect of being in Clarice’s company again gave wings to his feet. In short order he’d crossed the room then drew to a halt in front of Clarice and the unknown Frenchman. “Good afternoon, Miss Delacroix.”
    Her eyes rounded. The ir deep color was very much like melted chocolate in the sunlight. “Fel—Lord Swandon. What a pleasant surprise.” Pretty color stained her cheeks. She gestured to her companion. “This is Mr. Guy Fournier. He’s Lord Landry’s valet and an acquaintance of mine from a few years ago. I had no idea he was even in London, let alone so close to Mayfair…” Her voice trailed off. She fluttered her hands as if she tried to search for words. Eventually, she let them drop to her sides.
    “Fournier,” Felix said in lieu of an introduction. He had no interest what the man’s function in society was. His only goal was to separate him from Clarice. “I’m surprised Landry allows his valet mingle with members of the Ton . I would think you’d be abovestairs, preparing to dress him for dinner.”
    Yes, it was beneath him to mention a man’s profession in open company, but Felix was beyond caring. As if something inside him had been tripped, the need to make certain Clarice saw him in a favorable light burned strong. He wanted her to choose him as a potential suitor.
    Guy Fournier bowed from the waist. The thin blond mustache clinging to his upper lip curved with his cold grin. “Thank you for clarifying my duties in such a succinct way, Lord Swandon. Without you to sum them up so nicely, I’d be awash of confusion.” Heavy sarcasm hung in his slightly accented voice. “However, I am also Lord Landry’s second cousin once removed, so this affords me a small position in Society.”
    “A rather tenuous position, if I may say so.” He glanced at Clarice. Splotchy color blazed over her chest. Her eyes flashed. She clenched her skirt in her fisted hands. Belatedly, he realized he’d slighte d her as well. Her position in Society was somewhat less than Mr. Fournier’s. That wouldn’t do at all. He’d wanted to make Fournier feel inferior—not Clarice. He glanced at her. “Forgive me. I apologize. You already know of my respect for you.” He then narrowed his eyes at the younger man. “How do you know Miss Delacroix?”
    Guy stared back, his green eyes frosty. “She and I had considered marriage at one time.”
    “Ah.” Felix glared. Had they been lovers as well?
    “How do you know ma cherie Clarice?”
    Felix resisted the urge to grind his teeth at the endearment. “I had the great fortune of eating a dinner she prepared. Beyond that, she’s becoming a fast friend.” He slid a look at Clarice. “I should hope.”
    “Yes.” Though she smiled, it didn’t soften the lines of anxiety on her face. “It seems Lord Swandon and I have a few things in common.”
    “Aha. She cooked you dinner, but you cannot converse with her or take her driving as it would be unseemly for a lord to tarry with a servant, yes?”
    “I suppose that is true in some cases.” Felix hated that his viewpoints at times mirrored Guy’s. “But I hold Clarice with a much loftier respect than I do servants. If I want to take her driving, I shall do so without another thought.” In fact, that sounded like a capital idea. She’d probably enjoy such an outing.
    “Then you do not have a claim to her like I do.” Guy sniffed. “My dearest wish is that she’ll want to renew my acquaintance and we can move forward in our relationship.”
    Clarice shook her head. “Guy, you know we do not have a relationship. We are merely friends.”
    Felix clenched a hand into a fist , ignoring her correction. “Has she promised you her hand?” God would need to strike him dead first before he would allow Guy to touch her. “For if

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