Dark Curves (Dangerous Curves Book 6)
herself in the full-length mirror, and the women stood behind her. Everyone gazed at her, silent.
    Sarah couldn’t believe it; couldn’t believe what had just happened to her. The tiara wasn’t huge, wasn’t dripping in gold or diamonds, wasn’t anything like over-the-top – but it changed her. All of her.
    Her casual, comfy jeans and white t-shirt and brown high-heeled boots looked stunningly fashionable, all of a sudden. Her face looked brighter, lighter. Her hair was shiny, her eyes were clear blue. Sarah sparkled with happiness and love, she just glowed .
    “Holy crap,” she muttered. “Is that me ?”
    “It’s all you, baby girl,” Annie responded, a lump in her throat. “It’s what Jax sees when he looks at you.”
    “Wow.” Sarah shook her head, watched how the light caught the flame of the icy-white jewels. Something about their brilliance gave her pause, and she stared at them harder. “ Tell me that’s cut glass, Mom.”
    “Nope. Swarovski crystals.”
    “Oh,” Sarah squeaked, reaching up to take off the tiara, already mentally putting it back. “Man. I don’t think –”
    “If you think that Jax won’t love this on you, you’re insane,” Gabi said.
    “But –”
    “What’s your budget, Sarah?” Naomi jumped in. “What did Jax say to you?”
    “Uh… no budget.” Sarah squirmed. “He said he didn’t care about the money – he said to go to town. To buy whatever I think will make me feel beautiful and sexy when I agree to be his wife.”
    “Is Jax Hamill a liar?” Annie asked her.
    “ What ?” Sarah stared at her mother. “No. Of course not.”
    “Then if the man sent you here today with specific instructions, I think you’d better do what he says. Don’t you?”
    Sarah gave herself another look in the mirror. “Maybe…”
    “You feel beautiful, honey?” Annie asked her.
    “Then you get it.”
    Still, Sarah hesitated. “How much –”
    “Seven hundred dollars.”
    “Argh!” Sarah damn near ripped the thing off her head. “No! No, I can’t. I just can’t.”
    “ No .” Sarah set it down on the table as carefully as if it were a live grenade about to detonate. “I can’t justify that. That’s crazy . I mean, a custom-made dress is one thing, but a goddamn crystal crown ? One that I’m gonna wear for exactly two hours of my life? Nuh-uh. No go.”
    “Ladies,” Elise said now. She approached, dragging a rack of dresses behind her. “You all ready to start dress shopping?”
    “ Yes ,” Sarah said, thrilled to have a distraction. “That’s what I’m here for today, right? A dress.” She shot the other women a look. “ Not a tiara that costs more than my and Jax’s food budget for the month.” She thought for a second. “Actually, almost two months.”
    Annie sighed. “You sure?”
    “I’m as sure as sure,” Sarah said firmly. “A dress. Maybe some shoes. That’s it . If I want sparkle near my face, I’ll buy some sparkly eyeshadow and shiny lip gloss at Walmart.”
    “Ohhhh-kay,” Gabi said, totally deflated. “You’re the boss.”
    Sarah gave Elise a huge smile as she sat down again, grabbed her Champagne. “Alright, Elise. Let’s see what you got.”
    “Oh, Sarah.” Elise returned her smile. “Get ready, honey. You’re going to have fun, I promise you.”

Chapter Seven
    Shay awoke with a start. She was disoriented, and sore all over. She was also starving, and really, really needed to brush her teeth.
    It was dark outside now, and she squinted around the room, trying to see in the dimness without her glasses. Where were her glasses, anyway? The fire had mostly died, and she felt a chill in the air. She shivered, hauled the thick blankets up to her chin. She was still just in her underwear, and for the first time it occurred to her that she had no idea where her clothes were. She was starting to think that keeping her half-naked was part of that asshole's messed-up power play.
    Trying hard to relax,

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