Lonely In Longtree

Lonely In Longtree by Jill Stengl

Book: Lonely In Longtree by Jill Stengl Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jill Stengl
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“Marva!” Clutching her with both hands, he glanced around, trying to decide on his next move.
    â€œStand, Buzz,” he told the horse. Holding Marva on the seat, Monte climbed down, then hefted her into his arms. She moaned softly and lifted one hand to her face.
    He laid her on a bed of pine needles beneath a tree and removed her hat, then shrugged out of his coat and made it into a pad for her head. Next thing was to cool her off. He opened his canteen, lifted her head, and held the bottle to her dry lips. She drank a little, coughed, and tried to sit up. “No, just lie still. See if you can drink a few more swallows.”
    After taking another sip, she squinted up at him, her brow furrowed. “I feel awful.”
    â€œI think you’ve had too much sun. Just a minute.” Pulling his handkerchief from his vest pocket, he hurried down to the lakeshore. He dunked the cloth and wrung it out, then returned to Marva’s side.
    Her eyes flew open when he laid the folded handkerchief on her forehead. Instead of leaving it there, he patted it over her cheeks and temples. “That’s nice. Thank you,” she murmured, her eyes drifting shut again.
    He took the opportunity to study her attire. A high-necked white shirtwaist and a skirt of some stiff, shiny blue fabric flattered her coloring and figure. However, such a trim and immobile waistline suggested stays, which would also explain her rapid, shallow breathing. But a gentleman could hardly suggest that she loosen her undergarments. “You might unbutton your collar,” he suggested.
    She gave him a shocked stare.
    â€œI could toss you in the lake instead, I suppose. I’ve tried that method of cooling off, and I know it works.” He grinned, and her lips twitched in response.
    â€œVery well.” When she reached for her collar, Monte turned away and loosened his own tie. He felt much better himself without that wool coat.
    Picking his way back down to the lake’s edge, he dipped his handkerchief in the water again to freshen it. “You’d best relax and rest here awhile longer. Then I think I’ll take you to the Oasis and send for a doctor. We’re not heading back to Lakeland Lodge until late afternoon. No more sun for you today, my lady.”
    She blinked up at him as he approached. Her flushed face made her eyes seem bluer than ever. “How did you come to be here?”
    â€œI followed you,” he admitted and knelt beside her. “Had to make sure you came to no harm. These Northwoods are not as domesticated as people like to think. Too many uncivilized loggers and drifters in the area.”
    â€œMr. Stowell told you?”
    â€œTold me that the map was for you? I already knew you wanted to visit other lodges, so guessing didn’t require great powers of deduction. I’m also guessing that you didn’t request my escort for the day because your parents would disapprove.” Monte talked while smoothing Marva’s damp hair away from her face with his handkerchief. “What did they think of your taking this jaunt alone?”
    She closed her eyes. “I didn’t tell them.”
    â€œI see.” He studied her tightly closed mouth and the flare of her nostrils. Aside from a few faint lines at the corners of her eyes and mouth, her skin was still nearly flawless. Even while damp and sweaty, her hair was fascinating. Such a handsome woman was seldom seen on the streets of Woodruff; he could scarcely blame other men for staring. Good women were still rare in these parts.
    He slowly stroked the handkerchief down her cheek, letting his thumb slide over her skin. She gave a little gasp and held her breath. Her lashes fluttered, though her eyes remained shut. The wild thought struck him that he would like to kiss her. Startled, he scooted around to sit with his back against the pine’s trunk, squeezing the handkerchief in his tight fist. The lake’s color and

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