Dark Curves (Dangerous Curves Book 6)
thought of having Aidan on top of me, cutting off my air. So, we haven’t made love since… since I was kidnapped and buried alive. We haven’t been together in almost six months. Not like that.”
    Sarah and Naomi both stared at her in total shock. They’d known that she’d been struggling, of course, but they also knew that Aidan and Gabi were in the same bed. They hadn’t done much speculating about their friend’s sex life, but they’d at least assumed that sex was on the table.
    “Oh, Gabi,” Naomi said softly. “I’m so sorry.”
    “Yeah, well.” Gabi tried for bravado. “So that’s why I won’t be back here as a customer any time soon, you see, and it’s why I need to live vicariously through those of you with functional relationships.”
    “What makes you say any of that?” Naomi asked a bit sharply. “Why do you think you and Aidan aren’t functional, and why do you think that he doesn’t want to marry you?”
    “Are you serious ?” Gabi stared at her. “You think that Aidan’s going to propose to a woman who can’t even touch him, let alone have sex with him?”
    “My God, Gabi.” Sarah was stunned. “You really think that’s the most important thing to Aidan? You really think that sex is all that you’ve got between you?”
    “Well, no,” Gabi faltered. “But… it’s important, right?”
    “Sure it is,” Naomi agreed. “But have you met your boyfriend?”
    “Uh, yeah.”
    “So then you should know that he loves you more than anything in the entire cosmos,” Naomi said. “You should also know that Aidan doesn’t do guilt, and that he’s one of the most patient, giving men that I know. I sure as hell hope that you know that he’s never going to push you to do anything you aren’t ready for – and he’ll wait for you to be ready. He’s not going anywhere, and he’ll wait for you until the end of time if that’s what you need, and he won’t even care , just so long as he goes to sleep next to you, and wakes up next to you. If he’s got that, then Aidan is happy, because it means that he’s got you . “ Naomi paused, made up her mind to ask the question. “What makes you think that’s not enough for him?”
    Gabi and Sarah were gaping very unattractively in the face of Naomi’s little tirade, and they both snapped their mouths shut now.
    “Um,” Gabi finally mumbled. “I guess – I guess it is enough.”
    “You’re damn right it is,” Naomi said, her smile taking the sting from the words. “So don’t you say one more word about Aidan not wanting to commit to you, Gabi. I think the man has demonstrated time and again that he’s already as committed as it’s humanly possible to be, so I truly don’t see how a ring is going to somehow show you that. Aidan shows you that, shows you every single day. Just open your eyes, sweetie. See what’s right in front of you, yeah?”
    They gaped at Naomi some more, then Gabi and Sarah looked at each other.
    “Well,” Sarah said with a grin. “You got told. ”
    “I did,” Gabi agreed. “And I needed that. Thank you.”
    “Yeah?” Naomi checked in. “Not too much tough love?”
    “Nuh-uh. Just enough.”
    “So – are you alright?” Sarah asked.
    “Yeah.” Gabi nodded, and they were relieved that she looked absolutely like herself again. “I am.”
    This time, they believed her.
    “Sarah!” Annie appeared now, carrying a tiara in her hands. “ Look !”
    They all turned to face her, all smiling. Annie launched herself at her daughter, hands extended.
    “Try it on!” she said, almost bubbling over with excitement.
    “Without the dress?” Sarah said, hesitating. “I mean, shouldn’t I wait and get the full effect?”
    “Are you kidding me?” Gabi said, catching the enthusiasm immediately. “No dress, no shoes… put on the crown, woman.”
    Sarah giggled, took the tiara from her Mom. Carefully, she lifted it to her head, settled it on her lustrous red curls. Then she turned to look at

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