
Obsessed by Cheyenne McCray

Book: Obsessed by Cheyenne McCray Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cheyenne McCray
than most beings can withstand at such close proximity.”
    Relief flooded Liana to know that Aric was all right—and that he was there. But then she realized what else Angelei had said. “Jensai?” Liana frowned, her mind whirling from the effects of the orlai. “I do not remember anything beyond it being late at night…”
    “Do not be concerned.” The woman leaned back and tucked her dark tresses behind her delicately pointed ear, and her smile became even more radiant. “Your memories shall return.”
    “You are Elvin.” Liana’s eyes widened and warmth rushed through her as her gaze dropped from Angelei’s face to her body and she realized the woman was completely naked. Angelei had a lithe body with skin the color of cream, generous breasts, and taut raspberry-colored nipples. The same glittering blue symbol that was on her forehead was also shaved into the shorn dark hair between her thighs.
    When she glanced from Angelei to her own body, Liana discovered she was just as bare. Not even a blanket covered her.
    “Ah…” Heat flushed Liana’s face as her gaze met the Elvin woman’s.
    “’Tis our way.” Angelei cocked her head, an amused expression on her exquisite face. “No one wears clothing within Seraphine. We believe our bodies are beautiful and that we should enjoy them—and each other’s.”
    Angelei’s gaze slid over Liana’s body appreciatively. “You have a most lovely form, Tanzinite maid.”
    To Liana’s dismay, she felt her nipples tighten. The heady effects of the drink Angelei had given Liana only seemed to magnify the sensations she was feeling. And somehow the orlai made her feel less embarrassed at her nakedness than she normally would.
    Angelei stood in a fluid, graceful movement that reminded Liana of a cat. “Come,” she said, holding her hand out to Liana. “We must prepare you to meet with the Seraphine Council.”
    Still flushed with a trace of self-consciousness Liana allowed Angelei to help her to her feet. When she stood, Liana’s knees threatened to buckle. In fear that she might fall, she clung to the Elvin woman’s arm.
    While she waited for the weakness to pass, Liana absorbed her surroundings. She was in a beautiful room that must have been a part of the forest. Walls were made of tightly woven trees and vines, laced with wildflowers in purples, pinks and yellows. The ceiling was fashioned of branches and leaves. Golden orbs hovered above, their soft light making it seem as though the room was flooded with early morning sunlight.
    Much of the furniture was rich and ornate, and appeared to be carved into living trees—even the massive bed Liana had been sleeping in.
    “’Tis Elvin magic that makes it appear so,” Angelei said, answering Liana’s unspoken thought. “We would never harm any of the goddess’s living entities. She gives her gifts up to us, and we respect and care for them. They in turn care for us.”
    Liana smiled at the elegant, statuesque Elvin woman. “It is all so lovely.”
    “The goddess blesses us.” Angelei inclined her head and gestured to a doorway. “The preparations must begin.”
    Angelei led Liana into a hallway that was lit by the same golden globes that had been in the bedchamber. Angelei was so tall that Liana had to tilt her head back to look at the Elvin woman as they walked.
    The leaves and loam made such a soft carpet beneath her feet that Liana felt as though she was walking on a cloud. And the orlai made her feel like her head was soaring and her skin was alive with awareness. “Where’s Aric?” she asked, her body throbbing and aching for him.
    The Elvin woman squeezed Liana’s hand. “King Aric L’tiercel is also being prepared for the meeting. You will see him in time.”
    King? Liana frowned as pieces of her memory returned from that night. Aric was King…of the Nordain…and willing to leave his people for her. And she had fled…
    Liana started to ask Angelei when she would see Aric, but all she could

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