Dance For The Devil

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Book: Dance For The Devil by S. Kodejs Read Free Book Online
Authors: S. Kodejs
was going to phone, he’d have called by now.”
    “Just a few more minutes, I have a strong feeling about this. This guy’s in serious trouble.”
    “So, why don’t you call him if you’re so worried. This isn’t the Dark Ages, you know. Women do call men, happens all the time, little thing called liberation.”
    “All I know is his first name; couldn’t call him if I wanted to. Which I don’t.” Cari sighed. “You can’t force help on someone, even if he’s too pigheaded to realize he needs it.”
    “Typical man – stubborn, arrogant, stupid. Don’t even need them for reproduction anymore, what with in vitro fertilization and test-tube babies. In fact, men are only good for taking out the trash, and even that, they can’t be relied on with any regularity – Cari, are you listening?”
    “If there was only some way...”
    “Why are you so concerned about some guy you don’t even know?”
    “Good question. Wish I knew the answer, just can’t stop thinking about him. He needs my help, I know that as sure as I know my name is Cari Valentine.”
    “What don’t you cast a spell on him?”
    “That’s it! You’re brilliant.”
    Ramona looked shocked. “I was only joking.”
    “I know that, you idiot. But you gave me an inspiration. I’ll make him an amulet to protect him.”
    Ramona considered. “Actually, that’s not a bad idea. But how will you give it to him? As you wisely just pointed out, all you know is his first name.”
    “I’ll worry about that later. With any luck, Jake will come looking for me, but if not, I can always try scrying. I’ve been practising.”
    “Really? What do you use, a crystal ball?”
    “No, too expensive. I found a wonderful fisherman’s glass ball on Long Beach a few summers ago. They wash in, sometimes all the way from the Orient. They used to be easy to find, but now with all the tourists... well, you have to be lucky and have a keen eye. Damn. If only I was home I could consult my Book of Shadows. I’m sure something in there would help make a protection amulet.”
    Ramona spread her fingers. “Go, go. I’ll stay.”
    “Oh...but...are you sure?”
    “Positive, this inventory’s got to be done without customers milling about, and I can do it twice as fast without you moping like a demented Saint Bernard.”
    “You’re too sweet.”
    “You’re right, so I’ll take tomorrow off, with pay. It’s the least you can do for making me look at your sour face all night.”
    Cari smiled. “You can have the morning off, I expect you in by lunch.”
    “Slave driver.”
    “You won’t be nervous being here by yourself, so late at night?”
    “Nah, this ain’t exactly New York City. Any troublemakers hanging about and I’ll practise my Tae-kwon-do, and if that doesn’t scare ‘em, then my baseball bat will. That’ll teach the little buggers to play Halloween pranks on me.”
    “Oh, I’m kidding, but don’t worry, I’ve got 911 on speed dial. Go on, get out of here. If I have any problems, I’ll call you.”
    “Okay. You’re a lifesaver, you do know that?”
    “Sure do, just don’t forget that sentiment when you make out my Christmas bonus.”
    Cari laughed. “I never do, Romi, I never do.”
    Cynthia sidled up to Gil petulantly. “You never let me have any fun.”
    “You’re drunk and you’re disgusting.”
    “I remember a time when you found me attractive.”
    “That was before you got fat and started throwing yourself at every man within a two- hundred-mile radius. Really, Cynthia, you should get control of yourself before someone else is forced to.”
    “Don’t you dare threaten me.”
    “Consider it more like a promise.”
    Her eyes narrowed speculatively. “Then promise me something I’d like – new blood. Jake’s perfect.”
    “He’s not for public consumption.”
    She decided to try charm, pouting sweetly, unaware that her makeup was running in greasy rivulets. “You never share your toys.”

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