Dance For The Devil

Dance For The Devil by S. Kodejs

Book: Dance For The Devil by S. Kodejs Read Free Book Online
Authors: S. Kodejs
What’s your secret fantasy?”
    “Can’t say I have one.”
    “Sure you do. Everyone has a secret fantasy. Some people’s are just buried a little deeper and a little darker than the mainstream. That’s what makes us special.”
    “I’ve been thinking, Jason, about tonight. I’m not sure I can come. My dad has been watching me like a hawk, planning every second of my day – I can barely use the bathroom without a chaperone.”
    “Think of something,” Elise begged. “It’s not the same without you.”
    Amy flashed a grateful smile, which was quickly squelched by Jason’s next comment. “Amy doesn’t care.”
    She whirled around. “That’s not true, Jason.”
    “Then find a way.”
    “How? We’re staying for only an hour, then my dad has all these lame family activities planned. We won’t even be home until at least eleven, and there’s n o way he’s gonna let me out that late on a school night, even if I wasn’t grounded.”
    “Jesus, Amy, when did you turn into such a wimp? I thought you had guts. It’s Halloween, the best night of the year. Look, the good stuff won’t happen until at least midnight. When you get home, pretend you’re really tired, go straight to your bedroom, then sneak out – climb out your window. We’ll be waiting for you, outside.”
    “... I don’t know.”
    “You could if you wanted to, Amy.”
    “I wanted to talk to you first. About... the meetings. About what happened last time.”
    “We’ll talk about it later, okay? I promise. Don’t worry,” Jason said, pressing a kiss to her lips. “I’ll take care of you.”
    A tentative knock sounded at Jason’s bedroom door. “Hey, Skeet-man, great costume. What’s up?” Jason asked.
    “Dad says it’s time for us to go. Come on, Amy.”
    Jason smiled engagingly. “What’s the hurry, small-fry? Why don’t you come in and hang with us for a few minutes?”
    Skeeter broke into a large, yet hesitant smile. “Could I?”
    Jake stood at the edge of the room, watching. He didn’t want to be here, didn’t feel comfortable. Ever since the weekend he’d elected to be with the kids, his coworkers treated him like a pariah. On the surface, the respect was still there, but he had the feeling of always being an outsider. Conversations halted when he entered the room, accompanied by sideways glances, knowing looks. He had the impression people were watching and waiting, and he remembered what Skeeter said, “Something doesn’t feel right. These people are phonies, they pretend they’re so great.”
    Cynthia Blake sidled up beside him, her low-cut Spandex dress displaying ample bosom. “Jakey,” she smiled drunkenly. “Come dance with me.”
    “Oh, I’m not much of a dancer, Cynthia, two left feet.”
    “Please,” she insisted, tugging. “You’re the best looking guy in the room, did you know that?”
    He gently disengaged her hands. “Why don’t we just talk.”
    “Oh, that sounds won-derful, and we can have another drinky-poo.” She batted her eyes, unaware her mascara had smudged in raccoon circles. “I hear you’ve been a bad boy, Jakey.”
    “Naughty, naughty. Maybe I should spank you.”
    “Cynthia, I don’t have a clue what you’re talking about.”
    She waggled her finger at him. “Give me a little kiss and I’ll tell you.”
    Jake smiled despite himself. “Now, Cynthia, what would your husband think?”
    “I don’t think he’d like it,” Gil said, coming up behind them smoothly. “Cynthia, run along and behave yourself. You’re acting like a slut.”
    She pointed at her costume. “That’s what I am, silly.”
    “We are aware of that, now go ply your wares on someone who finds you attractive.”
    It took a moment for Gil’s barb to strike, and Cynthia’s eyes narrowed. “I was just telling Jake –”
    “Yeah, I know what you were just telling him. Now get lost.”
    Both Jake and Cynthia blinked at the cruelty in Gil’s tone, and Cynthia, throwing Gil a

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