Cured By Blood: A Vampire Pregnancy Romance

Cured By Blood: A Vampire Pregnancy Romance by Samantha Snow

Book: Cured By Blood: A Vampire Pregnancy Romance by Samantha Snow Read Free Book Online
Authors: Samantha Snow
explosions washed over her until they both fell back exhausted.
    “Now you can make some calls.”
    Dru smiled as he kissed her lips, smelling his own clove scent mingled with the light floral aroma of hers. He stood and dressed, watching as she stretched out on the bed, her fingers gliding over the velvet quilt and her skin. Every touch brought a sigh to her lips. Her eyes danced around the room, testing their limits, taking in all of the tiny details that were now completely visible to her. Dru felt warmth grow within him. She was amazing, and even more so now. She was also pregnant, with his children, plural. He shook his head trying to clear out his thoughts as he left the room to go to his office.
    Tara didn’t know what to focus on. What she could see, hear, smell, and everything around her? Or inward to the fact that she was a new species, that Dru had always been this, and that together they had created two more vampires. He may have turned one woman, but the result was three new lives.
    Everything seemed so heavy, so big and important. And yet, at the same time, insignificant and only a small blip on the massive screen that was her future. She was going to have children, something she never thought she would have. She was going to live long past everyone she knew, something that was recently unbelievable. She had a man that loved her as much as she loved him and together they would experience so much more in life, in the world.
    As her thoughts kept spinning, something else suddenly hit her. Cyndi. She hadn’t called or texted her in a few days, and she knew that Cyndi would be worried. What would she tell her? She wanted her to know about the babies and that she wouldn’t die now, but how would Cyndi feel?. Suddenly it was all too much again. From insignificant little blips back to giant mountains right in front of her that somehow, she would need to overcome. And she hadn’t even begun to think about how they were going to deal with the government. Hiding a newly made vampire as an old one was one thing. But how did you hide a pregnant vampire?

    “This is the first I have heard of this. Have you spoken to Ardo?”
    “Yes, he is flying out in the next few days. He said he had seen it twice before, usually with humans that were ill before the change and receiving vampire blood then.”
    “I have delivered three vampire babies in 1800 years, and this is the first hybrid child. I am very interested. I suppose you are prepared for multiple visitors? I hear your home is quite exquisite.”
    “Of course, Salvador. I have around eight guest rooms, more than enough to provide adequate arrangements.”
    “What of lighting? You know I am very weakened, but Salvador can barely tolerate the smallest exposure anymore.”
    “That is not an issue. I assure you.”
    “Very well, Druian, I will have equipment showing up tomorrow morning that will need to be set up in a room. Do you have a sterile environment for the end term or will we be using a facility?”
    “I will have a room prepared. There are circumstances that make this situation…delicate.”
    “Ah yes, the government protocols. I will see you in two days’ time, Druian.”
    “I look forward to the reunion, Salvador.”
    Dru hung up the phone and immediately called one of the local contractors he knew of that specialized in discretion and jobs that required specific technical skills. By paying triple, the men would begin working to renovate one of his rooms within three hours. Dru asked them to park in the back where the entrance to the cellar was.
    The majority of the rooms down there were used for his wine cellar and his blood storage area. There was a good third of the basement that was nothing but rock and concrete. Now a portion of that was going to be changed into a miniature medical station.
    Sighing, Dru sat back in the chair, rubbing his brow. Even after all of these years, he supposed the body knew when it should have

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