Cravings: Alpha City 2

Cravings: Alpha City 2 by Bryce Evans

Book: Cravings: Alpha City 2 by Bryce Evans Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bryce Evans
want to go back. He would only sell her again to someone else, and he shuddered thinking what they would do to her. One of his kind and this was the way his father treated Rose This would be her choice.
    “Alpha, please don’t send me back. Please. I will do anything for you, please, just don’t send me back.” Rose got up and got on her knees in front of him pleading with him.
    Kayden was so shocked that this woman was treated so badly that he knew he would do whatever it took to keep her safe. He reached down and petted her hair trying to calm her down. She was sobbing and holding on to his feet.
    “Rose. I would never send you back. You are welcome to stay here forever. You are not a prisoner here. I would never make you do anything. You are in my pride if you choose, and I will take care of you and help you get a job so you can make your own money. I would never tell you who you have to mate with and that includes me.” Rose looked up at Kayden. Her eyes were swollen from crying.
    “You are a good man, Alpha, and I thank you for your kindness. My only regret is leaving my three brothers and sister alone with that-- man. It scares me to think what he will do to Carina. She’s only eight years old, and I’ve seen the way my father and his friends have been looking at her.” Kayden looked over at Thorn who was raging mad at what was going on in Africa.
    “Take three men with you, get with our contacts over there, get Rose’s siblings out, and bring them here to Alpha City. And Thorn, don’t allow my father to know you are there.” Kayden looked back at Rose. “Can you call your brothers and tell them we are coming for them? They would need to leave everything behind, and I will buy them everything they will need, but they have to be at a certain location for Thorn to get them out. Do you think they could do that, Rose, or would they even want to come here?”
    “Oh Alpha, yes, yes they want to come here. I wanted to bring them here, but my father wouldn’t allow it. He said they needed to continue to work because they are his kids. I will call Titan, and he will get them to the location without my father finding out. Titan is seventeen years old. He’s very smart and will do the right thing.” Rose informed Kayden and Thorn all about her siblings. By the time they finished dinner, Rose was smiling. He only hoped that Thorn could get to them in time. His father needed to pay for what he was doing.
    Kayden sat down at his desk and looked over at the picture that was taken when he was twelve years old. He was standing next to his father at his desk. He hated him more today than he did then. Now, he knew what lengths his father would go to get his way. It was all about control and not about the happiness of the pride. No, his father allowed a member of his own pride to sell his daughter and would probably do the same thing with Rose’s little sister. He wasn’t an honorable Alpha. He was nothing more than a slave trader in Africa and a disgrace to his kind. Kayden felt shame for not seeing this before. He needed to talk to the other women his father sent to him who wanted to stay in his pride. They had all mated with other members, but he never thought to ask what they thought or took the time to get more information.
    “Well, it stops today, you bastard. It stops today.” Kayden hit the desk with his fist trying to release the sick pain he was feeling in his gut. Thorn peeked around the door waiting before he entered.
    “Get in here,” Kayden replied. His voice was heavy with shame knowing he missed it. All this time he missed what his father was doing.
    “You didn’t know, Kayden,” Thorn said with a sigh.
    “I should have known, Thorn. I should have. I have to talk to Mattie and the others who he sent here for me to mate. I know he bought them. God only knows what is going on over there, and my mother how-how could she stay with him knowing he was doing that? My life has been a lie. I can’t

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