Cravings: Alpha City 2

Cravings: Alpha City 2 by Bryce Evans Page B

Book: Cravings: Alpha City 2 by Bryce Evans Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bryce Evans
was driving.
    “Why are you not mated?” Rose asked, pulling him out of his thoughts.
    He glanced over at her before he spoke. Should he be honest with Rose and tell her about Zoe? . No, you dumb ass, just make something up. The fewer people who know about them the better.
    Glancing back at the road, Kayden decided he would just keep it simple. “It just hasn’t happened yet.” And that was all he said. She didn’t need to know about Zoey.
    “What about you? Was there someone in Africa that you cared about?” Kayden asked, as he glanced over at her expression. She had turned pale in the face. He pulled over on the side of the road to make sure she was okay.
    “Hey, don’t cry. I’m sorry for bringing it up.” Kayden’s voice was soft. He didn’t know what all had happened to Rose in Africa, but he knew something terrible had happened.
    Rose only shook her head and stopped talking. She let out a deep breath and looked out her window. Kayden knew he needed to get her some help, maybe even have her talk to a psychologist, someone who could help her deal with the past. Brody had a lady in his family who was a psychologist. Maybe he could talk to her. He needed to call Brody today and ask.
    Kayden pulled back onto the roadway and started telling her about Pier’s Point. They pulled up at his cabin and started walking toward the falls when Kayden heard people laughing.
    “Shit,” Kayden whispered under his breath. He inhaled and could smell her scent. She smelled wonderful. Only Zoey smelled like that to him. Rose glanced over at him with a worried expression on her face. She could feel the tension in the air as they got closer to the falls.
    “It’s alright. Just some friends,” Kayden said when they stepped up to the falls to see Zoey jump from the ridge into the water. Brody was already looking at them when they came out of the clearing. He had a smile on his face as Kayden and Rose came closer.
    Kayden introduced Rose to Brody as Zoey swam to the side of the falls. She didn’t get out as she stared at Kayden and Rose. Then she saw the picnic basket in his hands. Her expression showed hurt then the shutters came down masking her thoughts.
    “Zoey, come meet Rose,” Brody insisted. Kayden could see the battle Zoey was fighting with herself as she got out of the water and walked toward him. All he could see was pain etched on her face, but that was crazy. She was with Johnny now, so seeing him with Rose shouldn’t hurt her at all.
    “Zoey, this is Rose Bailey. She is joining Kayden’s pride!” exclaimed Brody.
    “Hello, Rose,” Zoey muttered and stuck her hand out for her to shake. Rose released the breath she was holding and shook her hand. As soon as they shook hands, Zoey walked over to the blankets and started drying off like she was getting ready to leave.
    “Come join us for lunch,” Brody insisted. He knew what Brody was up to, but she was done and didn’t want to be around Kayden and his new mate. They would see each other often enough, but right now she needed time to get her heart right and control her emotions.
    “Sure, why not,” Kayden answered, then pulled out the blanket and laid it on the ground beside their blanket. He wanted to hurt her like she did him in Vegas with Johnny. He smiled at Rose then took off his shirt and jumped in the water.

Chapter 17
    Zoey jerked her shorts on. She couldn’t believe he would show up here with his mate. Didn’t he work? He worked fast was all she could think. Now she knew the truth. He really didn’t want her. He wasn’t too mad if he was out with another woman right after he told her that he loved her.
    “Zoey, what’s wrong?” Brody whispered.
    “I don’t feel well, Brody. I think I will go home. I can run back. I need to run for a while anyway,” Zoey answered. Her voice was tight with tension. She looked around for her purse, but she remembered she left it in his truck.
    “Please don’t go. Just eat, then we will leave

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