
cravingpenelope by Crymsyn Hart Page A

Book: cravingpenelope by Crymsyn Hart Read Free Book Online
Authors: Crymsyn Hart
Tags: Romance
Her lover released her nipple and licked a line down her belly. Each flick of his tongue enflamed her yearning once more. She pushed her hips up, but even with his weight on her, he was no heavier than a feather. Penelope drew in a breath when his tongue discovered her wet slit and lingered there for a moment, laving at her juices. He used long strokes to savor her, and when she found that crest again all that came from her lips was an animal cry of pure lust. His laugh was dark and devilish. He trailed his fingers up Penelope’s sides until she squirmed. It was at that exact point, when she could no longer take any more, that her lover slipped his dick into her pussy. Having him inside of her gave Penelope a sense of completeness she had not had when he was only torturing her. Feeling his shaft stretching her so that she could accommodate his size made her moan with yearning. She clutched the manacles, digging her nails into the cloth, and raised her hips in time to his slow thrusts.
    “You feel so good, Penelope,” he uttered, sliding further into her.
    He obliged her by grasping her breasts and rubbing his thumbs over her pert nipples. The gesture sent bolts of fire along her insides. He quickened his pace, lunging inside of her so that each time he was a little deeper, hitting her clit, soaring her toward another climax that she was not sure she would ever come down from. Her breath came out in pants. Her lover claimed her lips in a hungry kiss, plunging his tongue into her mouth to meet hers. The taste of his lips reminded her of sucking on a fireball, that sweetness mixed with the hot burst of cinnamon. And she craved more of it. Hell, she craved more of him, to hold him and scrape her nails down his back while he pushed his prick into her, but the restraints held her back.
    Her lover released her lips, kissed a slow line across her jaw and down her throat until he came to the dip at the base of her throat. He skimmed his tongue over the spot and covered it with his lips. At that moment, he drove into her and razed her throbbing clit. She pushed into him and felt the bed fall away. The pleasure of her orgasm zinged her nerves. Her lover moved inside of her once more and groaned. He rested on top of her, nestling his head on her chest, almost if he was listening to her heartbeat. This was the instance she truly yearned to touch him just to know he was real, but he would not release her. Finally, her lover lifted his head and brushed his lips across her mouth one last time. Even this close to him, she could not break through the dark shroud that concealed his identity from her. This saddened her because once, just once, she wanted to stare into the eyes of the man who made love to her. Penelope raised herself as far off the mattress as she could just to not be separated from him, but in the end he broke their kiss, leaving her wanting.
    “Don’t worry. One day you will see me,” he said, reading her thoughts.
    “That’s what you always say.”
    He ran his finger down her cheek, and a whimper fell from her lips before she could stop it. “I know, but it’s true.”
    Penelope went to say something else, but the world she was in crumbled to ashes, pulling her from the world of dreams into harsh reality. When her eyes opened to the sunlight streaming in her window, sometimes she saw a shadow of her lover fading away into the cobwebs of her dreams. That morning was no different.
    “I’ll never understand your enthrallment with them.” Lemiel shook his head.
    Razziel glanced at his brother angel, who peered into the viewing pool at the fading form of the human woman whose dream he had just entered. An amused smile played across the other angel’s lips and lit up his violet eyes. He trailed a hand through his silver hair before crossing his hands over his chest and waited for a reply. Any answer Razziel could give would not satisfy the angel.
    “Humans are fascinating creatures. They don’t

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