
cravingpenelope by Crymsyn Hart

Book: cravingpenelope by Crymsyn Hart Read Free Book Online
Authors: Crymsyn Hart
Tags: Romance
    Chapter One
    His hands trailed up her thigh with a featherlight stroke; it barely seemed he was touching her at all, but she could feel every caress of his fingers. Those alone quaked her insides and left her wondering if she had died and gone to Heaven. When he added his lips into the mix, tracing some forgotten trail one of his fingers had traveled on her body before, nothing could stop Penelope from crying out. Each small flick of his tongue over her skin brought her to new plateaus she never dreamed she would reach, and this was only the beginning of his torture. Her hands were tied over her head, lashed together with soft leather straps that kept her immobile on the bed. He left her legs unfettered. No matter how much she begged, he would never release her. At times he would gag her to muffle her cries, but not tonight.
    Penelope arched her back as his smooth hands parted her legs. The anticipation of what he would do next almost brought on her next orgasm. A low chuckle filled the darkened room. So thick was the blackness that it hid her lover’s face and most of his body.
    All the times she begged him to light a candle, or even ignite a match so she could at least discover what he looked like, he refused. His anonymity added to the ecstasy of the moment. But it also frustrated her because she yearned to know who was making love to her. He was always in shadow. All she knew was the softness of his flesh and the firmness of his body, along with the size and girth of his cock. Her lover was skilled in the art of lovemaking, bringing her to amazing heights every time they were together. And tonight was no exception.
    “You’re already wet for me. Very good.” He cupped her pussy, pressing his thumb against her clit.
    “I need you inside of me,” Penelope implored him.
    “I know you do,” he crooned, “but you just have to be a good girl and be patient.”
    He worked her swollen nub in slow, arduous circles until Penelope felt the solid mattress dissolve underneath her, and she was floating. It was difficult to concentrate on the real world when her hips betrayed her and lifted of their own accord in time with her lover’s manipulations. Bursts of warmth fired through her body, fluttering her heart while he worked her into a frenzy . Penelope grasped the shackles that bound her while she bowed her back off the bed. Stars burst in her vision. She turned her head into the pillow, and it swallowed her cries. Those leisurely circles on her nub brought her to a height she did not think was possible from him not being inside of her. But her lover knew right where to hit her. Now all she needed was his prick pounding into her to feel complete.
    “Please!” she begged.
    “Come for me, Penny. Tell me how much you want it.”
    Her mystery man worked her a little faster, but she could no longer fight it. Her heart danced a tango in her chest, it beat so fast. She rotated her hips in hopes of finding some part of him that might slip into her pussy, but nothing.
    This was their game.
    He would not give her anything until she complied. Penelope could no longer fight her body’s needs. It was either give in to the ecstasy while he massaged her clit, or he would cease pleasuring her, leaving her wanting. The frustration was not something she could handle tonight.
    “Fuck me. Take me any way you want to. I don’t care.”
    He laughed again, that velvety sound caressing all the places his hands were not. At that moment, she felt his mouth encircling her nipple. With his small bite and the pain of it, all the locks were thrown open on her desire and she was flooded until she thought she would drown in bliss.
    But it did not stop there.
    He sucked on her nipple and eased her legs open wider, while moving alongside her so that he was lying on top of her. She opened her eyes and looked down at her lover, but she could still see nothing of him. His hair brushed across her stomach, letting her know he had it down this time.

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