Waiting for Her Soldier
depressed and hopeless, worrying about what might happen between Darren and Jessica later that night, hoping that the dinner was just a formality, a way for Darren to get closure and finally leave Jessica in the past where she belonged.

    January 25, 2014
    Dear Paul,
    I’m only writing you to find out when you might be coming home. I’m going to marry her. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but it’s true. For the longest time, I never thought I’d find anyone I wanted to marry; I never thought I’d find anyone I cared about this much. But it’s finally happening.
    I’m going to do it later tonight. I’d ask you to wish me luck, but by the time you received this letter she’ll already have given her answer. I can’t tell you how happy I am. I’m absolutely through the roof. She’s the one. You best make it back here for the wedding, brother.
    Semper Fi,
    Sgt. Darren Henderson

    When I came home that night I was feeling damn near hopeless. It had been a horrendous day at the shop. We’d done a lot of business, but there had been a number of problems here and there. And of course I was the only one who could sort them out.
    To top it off, I hadn’t received a single text from Darren. The entire night I’d expected to at least hear something from him, some sign, some indication that he had closed things off with Jessica for good. I kept checking my phone, thinking I’d felt it vibrate in my pocket. But there was nothing. Darren hadn’t said one word since we’d talked over breakfast this morning.
    I pulled my car into my parking space and walked the weary steps up to my apartment. Should I text him? I wanted to, but I also didn’t want to come off as needy. Why the hell hadn’t he said anything all day? It was so unlike him to do that. Didn’t he know how much I had riding on this dinner? Did he have any idea how much I’d wanted him to just tell Jessica “no”, to tell her that he was done with her and didn’t ever want to see her again?
    I placed my key into the keyhole and unlocked my apartment, wearily pushing the door open into the darkened hallway. I could see that the light was on in the kitchen and I kicked myself for not turning it off when I’d left that morning.
    I walked into the kitchen and tossed my purse on the counter, only to find Darren hovering over the stove.
    “Lauren,” he said with a rich smile. “You’re finally back.”
    He came over to greet me, giving me a deep, passionate kiss. But I was reluctant, confused by the scene I saw before me.
    “What is this?” I asked.
    “Dinner. I made you dinner, babe.”
    I was shocked. Well, more confused than shocked. What did this mean? What had happened to his date with Jessica?
    “I thought you were going to dinner with Jessica tonight.”
    “I did. I’m back.”

~ Darren ~
    Lauren was working late tonight. I knew I’d be able to get back in time to carry out my plan. She’d be at work for the next few hours, and in all honesty, this dinner with Jessica should be quick. I mean, if I’m telling the truth here, I never planned on having dinner with her anyway.
    I sat down at the table and ordered a Coors Light. Funny, right? I guess that was my idea of a joke. Here I was in this fancy steakhouse that didn’t even serve beer, and I ordered a Coors Light. The waiter did his best to hide his appalled expression, but I guess he just didn’t get me joke.
    “I guess I’ll have a glass of scotch,” I said. “Johnnie Walker Black, two fingers neat.”
    I sat back at the table and waited for my drink, and also for Jessica. I’d make this short and sweet. There was very little I had to say to this girl. I just needed five minutes to make it clear that anything that had ever happened between us was long in the past. The waiter brought my glass of scotch. I took a deep sip, enjoying the rich, smoky bite. And then I waited.
    I was halfway through my drink when Jessica

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