Coven of Wolves

Coven of Wolves by Peter Saenz Page B

Book: Coven of Wolves by Peter Saenz Read Free Book Online
Authors: Peter Saenz
Tags: Fiction / Horror
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very hesitant to accept any offers to replace him. I can sense though on every level that Anna offered the invite from a place of complete kindness. To decline the offer would insult the hospitality she and Mika have already shown us. Also, additional knowledge can only help us defeat whatever the old coven has in store for us come October. I mull around the opportunity for a few more moments and agree to the proposal. Smiles abound on everyone's faces.
    Mika then says, "I'll do you one better. I saw the way you were looking at that sword before. I'm actually trained to use one. I'll teach you how to use it, if you're interested."
    "Sure! That would be awesome!"
    Fenrus woofs happily in response.
    • • •
    The next couple weeks fly by quickly. In the mornings we'd all have breakfast at Mika's apartment, after which we'd go upstairs to Anna's apartment where Tobias and Mika would sit in on my lessons with Anna. It was like starting school all over again. I quickly learned that Malik's way of approaching the Craft was similar to how an overzealous football coach would teach P.E. to a group of junior high kids. Anna's style of teaching was very much opposite. She took the time to walk me through each lesson at my own pace, without judgment or criticism. The lessons tended to lean more toward metaphysical philosophy than Malik's straight forward "this is how you cast this spell" training, but I was loving it. I began learning more about the history of Wicca and where different types of magic come from. During our lesson on Egyptian magic I eventually was able to met Anna's familiar, the very majestic Sekhmet. His beautiful sleek ginger coat almost radiates, and his yellow eyes are mesmerizing. The family magic he possesses reminds me of the strength I feel when near Malik's amulet. As Fenrus wasn't able to visit Anna's apartment too often due to the tribe of cats living there being skittish of his canine form, Sekhmet would often appear in Mika's domain to visit with Fenrus, forming a bond between the two of them.
    In a hidden room in Anna's apartment Anna shows me an elaborate shrine to both her goddesses, Isis and Bastet. The room is beautifully decorated and looks to be an exact replica of a room found in an ancient Egyptian temple. She explains that during her meditation period Sekhmet and the other cats would gather with her in the devotional room. Being able to see into other realms, the cats help Anna focus her energies and thus allow her to access her visions with better clarity. During the tour I'm happy to discover that Ms. Whiskers has officially joined Anna's cat pack. When she would see me, she would immediately come over to tell me about some new discovery she'd found in the house, or about how wonderful the sun felt when she would lay out on the roof. Without fail though she would always end her stories with how wonderful Sekhmet is and how lucky he would be to have her as a mate. I don't have the heart to tell her that he's not really a cat.
    After my lessons with Anna, we'd break for one of Anna's delicious lunches and then play a round of Monopoly or Trivial Pursuit. Tobias really seemed to enjoy this time as it was something he did with his parents when they were alive. His experience showed as he usually won 2 out of 3 times a game.
    After our food would settle, Mika would then take Tobias and I back to her apartment for sword training. At first I was afraid that we'd have to practice with real swords and that one of us would get hurt. Fortunately Mika had Tobias and I train with bamboo rods and not the real thing. I caught on pretty fast to the various stances and blocks. Tobias managed to get a lot down as well but due to his weak moments had to sit out on several classes. Turns out that Mika was trained most of her life in a martial art called Jujutsu. She said that her training was due to her mother's experience at being kidnapped by the Initiators as a girl. Because of it, her parents enrolled her in

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