Coven of Wolves

Coven of Wolves by Peter Saenz Page A

Book: Coven of Wolves by Peter Saenz Read Free Book Online
Authors: Peter Saenz
Tags: Fiction / Horror
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effect on Fenrus, save for those afflicted on you. And should you live into old age as I have, he will remain as he is now, giving you sustenance and strength; vigor and focus. But above all, he will always provide you with love."
    I look down again at Fenrus and can sense him confirming every word spoken. I pet his head and cheeks as he nuzzles his head against me. He seems like a real dog, feels like a real dog...yet meditating on what Anna has just explained to me, I slowly begin to take in that not everything is as it seems.
    "Ms. Whiskers said that he and I have a sparkle to us. Some sort of shine that is a bit brighter than other magical beings. I wonder if she sees the same thing with you and Sekhmet."
    Surprised Anna asks, "You're able to hear and understand cat speech?"
    "Yeah, it was a surprise to me too."
    "Again, your access to natural magical gifts surprises me. My other cats are non-magical, just like your Ms. Whiskers. They've said something similar in regards to Sekhmet and I having a glow to us. Not knowing other familiar possessors, I've had to read on the subject or ask Sekhmet questions directly. I must then assume the glow that cats see is a common trait."
    Thinking on it again I ask Anna, "So are you able to merge with your familiar like I can with Fenrus?"
    Shocked, Anna replies, "No, nothing like that has ever happened with us. Sekhmet is made from a part of my soul but we've never been able to reconnect that missing piece back into me. Sekhmet is his own being now, separate from me but connected on a primal level. Your ability to merge back with Fenrus is something completely alien to me. The goddess must have given you that unique gift for a reason, but a reason only she can answer. Perhaps in your mediations when you connect with your god you can ask her. If she is willing and the fates are kind, then maybe you will be given your answer."
    Questions. For every answer I receive, two more take its place. It's likely to drive a guy crazy. I guess this must be where patience should serve its purpose.
    "You said that he is immune to any man made weapon, but what about magic? Is he in danger from other magic users like witches?" The thought of the coven harming Fenrus sends chills down my spine.
    "Familiars are very powerful and have strong magical defenses." Anna says. "They are not easy to defeat. That said, should a familiar fall into the wrong hands, either by stronger magics or by their own choice, other witches could steal their strength, augmenting their power to a high degree."
    I gulp before asking the next question but know it must be asked. "And if that were to happen...?"
    Anna looks at me with remorseful eyes and says, "Then both you and he would die in the process."
    A sickening knot begins to form in my stomach. I look over to Tobias and even he seems to have lost his appetite. I then look at Fenrus and send him thoughts of protection and security. I receive the same feelings back with added love. How can I be so bonded to someone I only met two days ago? Is this how new parents feel when they have a child? All I know is that when I look into those big yellow eyes of his, I'm suddenly overtaken with feelings of love and devotion.
    I can tell Anna understands what may be running through my mind when she says, "But fortunately you won't have to worry about that while you're here. I have a proposal for you Devin. If you agree to it, I'd like to teach you some of the aspects of the Craft that were overlooked in your previous studies. Just until Tobias feels better, I think it might benefit you and give you better insight to your relationship with Fenrus. I'm not looking to become your new coven master, have you perform a blood oath, or anything like that. I just don't think it's right for someone with your obvious gifts to be trained in only half of what the Craft truly is. What do you say? Would you be open to learning more about the faith?"
    I'm dumbfounded. After my experience with Malik I'm

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