Cosmos' Promise: Cosmos' Gateway Book 4

Cosmos' Promise: Cosmos' Gateway Book 4 by S.E. Smith

Book: Cosmos' Promise: Cosmos' Gateway Book 4 by S.E. Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: S.E. Smith
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slammed into the low stone wall surrounding the upper part of the fortress.
    Cosmos vaguely heard Terra’s outraged cry before the shadow of the remaining warrior hovered over him. He fought to regain his breath, searching for his other laser pistol when the man’s eyes widened in surprise before rolling back in his head as he collapsed. Terra stood over the inert body holding one of the helmets from the MFV between her hands.
    “Take that, you… you jerk! Weak female, my ass,” she growled out breathlessly.
    Cosmos grinned up at her as he climbed to his feet. “Remind me never to piss you off,” he said huskily as he brushed a tender kiss along her lips.
    “I hate to put a rush on things but DAR will be back online in about thirty seconds,” RITA2 replied just as an explosion shook the area as one of the hovering skimmers exploded. “Mm, I take that back. He is back online now.”
    “My father…” Terra cried out as she watched as another one of the skimmers exploded.
    “Tell her not to worry, Cosmos,” RITA2 replied. “DAR knows not to attack them. I warned him about the incoming skimmers and he knows who the good guys are, not to mention that killing the leader of the planet isn’t a good idea.”
    Cosmos watched two of the skimmers on the ground lift off before rapidly disappearing over the south wall of the fortress. “Why didn’t the damn defense system knock those ships out?” Cosmos asked as he turned back around to watch Garrett, Rico, and a taller woman dressed in a long gray gown rush up the stairs.
    “He couldn’t take a chance with the females on board,” RITA2 replied. “His defense protocol is to protect the women. His programming prevents him from harming a female under any circumstance.”
    Cosmos turned his head and watched as several of the incoming skimmers engaged the two remaining skimmers while three went after the two vessels that had taken off. He looked back as his men reached the top of the rampart and hurried toward him and Terra. Garrett pulled the woman behind him while Rico looked like he was ready to erupt into a Berserker’s rage.
    “Love the suit but you need to work on the damn battery life,” Garrett snapped out as he pulled the woman closer to him when she tried to pull away.
    “Let’s get the fuck out of here,” Cosmos said, ignoring Garrett’s comment. “I’m not going to give Teriff a chance to take Terra again.”
    “I’m not going,” Rico said stubbornly as Cosmos turned toward Terra.
    Cosmos looked over his shoulder with a dark frown. “What the fuck do you mean you aren’t going? We have to get the hell out of here!”
    “I said I’m not going. I’m going after the girl,” Rico said turning away from Cosmos, Terra, Garrett and the other woman. He grabbed a helmet off the MFV that he and Garrett had arrived on. “I’m taking the MFV.”
    “Like hell you are, Rico,” Garrett growled out turning to Cosmos. “Open the fucking Gateway and take the women. I’m going with Rico.”
    “What in the hell is wrong with you two?” Cosmos asked, stunned. “Rico, let Teriff and the others go after the woman.”
    “I can’t,” Rico said in a quiet voice as he sat on the MFV and powered it on.
    “Why not?” Cosmos asked exasperated with the two men he trusted the most to follow orders and get a job done.
    “This is ‘why not’,” Rico responded holding up his left hand. A series of small circles showed clearly in the center of his palm. “I have to go after her.”
    Cosmos cursed loudly as he watched Rico lift off without another word. “RITA2, you make damn sure that DAR doesn’t fire on Rico!” He ordered as he watched the MFV glide over the wall and circle back toward the south and the mainland.
    “I have to cover Rico’s back,” Garrett said reaching for the helmet in Terra’s hand. “I can’t let that crazy son-of-a-bitch go off alone. Maria would castrate me if anything happened to him. Take the woman back and keep her safe

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