Cooking Up Love

Cooking Up Love by Cynthia Hickey

Book: Cooking Up Love by Cynthia Hickey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cynthia Hickey
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Christian
out more about his reluctant friend.
    No mention had been made about his stolen kiss. The way she’d raced away led him to believe the act hadn’t pleased her, yet she didn’t shun him. Although he had hope, he figured it best not to try again for a good long while. Only thing was, he didn’t know how long he had before she left Topeka.
    Biscuits mixed and cut, he slid them into the oven, then wiped his hands on a clean dish towel. “All right, folks. The day gets busier from here. Dishes need to be kept clean and the food trays filled, especially behind the lunch counter. Folks don’t have a lot of time to eat and don’t need to be waiting for us.”
    The helpers scattered to their respective jobs as if he’d fired the beginning shot of a horse race.
    “Telegram, Foster.” Mr. Hastings barged into the kitchen, shoved the slip of paper into Adam’s hands, then raced back to the dining room.
    Adam scanned the notice. His heart stopped, and he sagged against the counter, reading the message again.
    “Mother ill. Stop. Come home. Stop. Daphne.”

Chapter 12
    A dam dashed upstairs and packed his bag. He couldn’t get home soon enough. Hastings hadn’t argued when Adam told him he needed to leave immediately because of a family emergency.
    The next train left the station in less than half an hour. He needed at least a moment to say goodbye to Tabby.
    He grabbed a few belongings and stuffed them in his bag, then he rushed to the dining room. He might be anxious about his mother, but missing Tabby pulled at his heart, too. What if she left while he was gone? His heart threatened to burst from his chest, not only from his rush in preparing to leave, but because of a flood of emotion. He spotted her at a table by the restaurant window. “Tabby.”
    She murmured something to Merrilee before striding his way. “What’s wrong?” She laid a hand on his arm. “You look upset.”
    He handed her the telegram. Her face paled as she read it. Closing her eyes, she handed the slip of paper back. “I’ll pray for you and your mother.”
    “Won’t you miss me?” Please, say you will.
    Her eyes snapped open. “Of course I will.” She raised her hand to his face, then dropped it before making contact. “We’re the best of friends, after all.” Her chin quivered and she looked away. But not before he saw the shimmer of tears in her eyes. Dare he hope she cried because he was leaving?
    Stubborn woman. Couldn’t she let him know that she would miss him desperately? Or was that only his wishful thinking? Why wouldn’t she admit she had feelings for him? “Yeah, friends.” He wanted to kiss her goodbye and show her exactly what he thought of their just being friends. Instead, he nodded and sprinted for the train.
    While his thoughts were on his family, a piece of his heart remained in the restaurant with Tabby. If only she was here beside him. Her small, smooth hand engulfed in his. Without a doubt, her presence would give him comfort.
    He found a seat and plopped onto it, prepared to spend the ride staring out the window, worrying over Ma and wondering about Tabby’s feelings.
    * * *
    People didn’t send telegrams unless the situation was dire.
    Tabby moved back to her place where she could keep a watchful eye on Merrilee as the girl waited on customers. She lifted a prayer for the safety of Adam’s mother and his quick return, shoving to the back of her mind how much she would miss him.
    Dragging her attention back to her job, her gaze fell on Merrilee. Tabby was content with the knowledge that the woman couldn’t snare Adam’s affections while he was gone. Merrilee caught on quick to the art of serving people with efficiency and a smile. Almost as if she weren’t the Southern belle she pretended to be, but someone used to waiting on others. Tabby narrowed her eyes. There might be more to the woman than she’d first thought. Maybe she held a secret, waiting to be discovered.
    Mr. Hastings stopped beside Tabby.

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