Trusting Jack

Trusting Jack by Beth Hale

Book: Trusting Jack by Beth Hale Read Free Book Online
Authors: Beth Hale
    “I’d just been given the role of Posthumas
    Leonatus in Cymbeline .  I received wonderful reviews.” 
    Jack smiled at the memory.  “I received an offer to be in another play.  And another, and another.  I thought This is it, I’ve made it .”
    “Sounds very exciting.”
    “Oh, it was.  I went straight to an agency to hire myself an assistant to handle all the fan mail I was sure to be getting.”  Emma giggled and Jack continued.  “Well, I did receive fan mail.  Though,” he admitted, “not as much as I’d expected.  Then Alison began keeping track of the offers and interviews, the appearances and well, things in general.  I’d be lost without her.”
    Jack sat beside Emma and placed his arm around her.  He kissed her cheek.  “I know things like this happen all the time and that she’ll be fine.  You kept me from worrying so much; thank you.”
    They both sprang to their feet when they saw Jacob hurrying down the hall. 
    “It’s a boy,” he told them, giddy with excitement.  “A healthy nine pound boy with his mum’s eyes.”  He kissed Jack full on the mouth then turned and did the same to Emma.
    “How is Alison?” Emma asked.
    “Groggy.  And relieved.  We were so frightened.  They have her in recovery.  She’s a trooper, my Alison.  She took one look at him and said ‘Let me rest up a bit and we’ll have a go and getting him a sister’.”
    Jack laughed and clapped him on the back.  “I’m glad everything is ok.  Go on back to your family, mate.  We’ll be here tomorrow to see them”
    Jacob nodded and left to kiss Alison and glo at over the miracle they’d made
    Chapter 12
                  The next morning Jack and Emma set out to find gifts for the new arrival and his mother.  It had turned cold, and Emma was able to wear the brown leather jacket she’d bought during her shopping frenzy.
                  “Look,” Emma told him, “this giraffe is perfect.”  She picked it up and held it out for Jack’s opinion.
                  “Are you sure?”  He eyed the four foot stuffed animal.  “It’s rather large.”
                  “Yeah,” she smiled, “but he’ll grow into it.”  She held on to her pick while Jack looked around and finally settled on a book of children’s poems and a small Teddy bear. 
                  He also bought a miniature tuxedo.  “He can wear it when they go to the park,” he said and made Emma laugh.
                  They continued to wander the shops, teasing each other, and looking for gifts for Alison.  When Emma spotted a small silver jewelry box studded with turquoise she bought it immediately.  “She’ll love it,” she said.
                  As they passed a display of handbags in a shop window, Jack paused.  “I remember Alison being excited when she saw this in a magazine.  I believe it’s a good occasion to buy it for her.”
                  Emma stayed outside to answer a text from Chris.  When she heard a still-familiar voice call her name she turned.  She couldn’t believe it her eyes.
                  “I thought it was you, Emma.  What are you doing in London?”
                  “Hello, Ryan,” she greeted him quietly.  He was
    still as handsome as when she first saw him.  Tension
    snaked around her and her heart hurt a bit.  “Norah’s
    filming here.”
                  “Yeah, I’d heard she snapped her fingers and you went running back to be at her beck and call.”
                  “Did you want something?”
                  “Just to say hello.  I’m here on business and I couldn’t leave without bringing something back for Renee.”  He held up a small black bag.  “She picked it out online before I left home.  Rubies.  She has excellent taste.”  He smiled.  “I see yours hasn’t changed much,

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