is hoping I can pull some strings on his behalf. I hate to tell him but I hardly think that talking with someone just because we are from the same town will give me any special privileges with such a highly demanded band.
    After placing a few phone calls with no luck, I shoot Sam a quick email letting him know that I left messages and I will let him know the second I hear from anyone. I filter through some of my other emails, sending quick replies to those who had easy questions or needed any info that was easily available.
    When I get to the last email I don't recognize the address but it looks legit so I open it, expecting it to be someone in regards to one of my projects. Instead what I find is an email from Katie, Grayson's new girlfriend. I scan it quickly and then slow down to re-read it, not really sure that I am getting this right. Certainly no one in their right mind would believe the shit that Grayson is feeding her but then again apparently she does. The proof is right in front of me and not only am I shocked but I am pissed.
    First let me say that this is out of character for me but I just could not go another day without confronting the woman responsible for hurting such a wonderful man like Grayson. After meeting you a couple of weeks ago I pressed him for information on you and he was very reluctant but last night we finally had a break through and now I know why he didn't want me to know about you. He didn't want to confide in me that he had ever loved such a bitch.
    I do not understand why he would stay with you for so long with all your lies and cheating. How could you do that to him? After he gave up everything in Vermont to move here with you, you just walk out on him like he is a piece of dirt?
    You do not deserve him and frankly I KNOW that he is much better without you. Stay away from us.
    I stare at my computer screen in an absolute rage. Seriously! He turned this all around on me? And what's worse is that she is buying it hook, line, and sinker. What a fool. As much as I want to ignore the email and not give her the satisfaction of a response, I simply can not sit back and let her tear me apart for what, loving him unconditionally for eight years? Letting him control every aspect of my life and doing anything he asked of me? I want to be the bigger person but the urge to set her straight is too tempting.
    I click reply.
    First let me say, never contact me again. Grayson is nothing but a controlling, lying, manipulative man and it seems that you are playing right into his hands.
    Second, I truly hope that you realize this sooner rather than later. Otherwise you will end up like me. Scratching your head wondering how the hell you were so blind for so long.
    Best of Luck
    I click send and push myself back away from my desk. It takes everything I have to fight back the tears that are threatening to spill over. How could he do this to me? How can the man that I spent the last eight years of my life with be a complete stranger?
    Deciding I need some air, I grab my purse and quickly make my way out of the building. As much as I know I should go grab a bite to eat, I can't even stomach the thought of food right now. I am so hurt and yet so very very mad and the combination sits very poorly with me.
    I make my way over to the outdoor break area that is located directly to my right. It's a little grassy area with a couple benches and a shade tree. It sounds nice but in reality it's actually quite distracting. Sitting along a main road does not do much in the way of a peaceful environment and as such I don't come out here often.
    Pulling my phone out of my purse, I check it for the first time since this morning. I am shocked to see that I have thirteen missed calls, three voice mails, and two texts from Liam. What the hell? This man really doesn't take no lightly does he?
    I check the text messages first.
    Answer your phone Addison.
    Please call me.
    I delete the messages and for a

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