    “What?” I question her innocently, deciding to play dumb rather than fessing up to the fact that my mind is completely consumed by a god like man that I just can't seem to shake.
    “Don't what me Addie. I know you better than you think I do. Spill.” I shift uncomfortably in my seat but manage to dodge the question as our waitress returns to take our orders.
    She doesn't let me off that easy and as soon as the waitress walks away she clears her throat and gives me an 'I'm waiting' look. “I don't know what you are talking about Dana. Perhaps you can enlighten me as to what you're getting at.”
    “Okay, fine, if that's how you want to play it. You clearly have been preoccupied. All week you have been quiet and withdrawn. And don't think I didn't notice the flowers on your desk. Care to fill me in?”
    As much as I don't want to talk about Liam I know I need to. I need to just say it out loud. I need to get it off my chest and what better person than Dana to spill my heart to.
    I let out a long sigh trying to decide where to begin. “The flowers. Well that's an interesting story, one that I will spare you the boring details of. They are from Liam.” I say not missing the dreamy look in her eyes as his name trickles off my lips.
    “Why do you say that like it's a bad thing. I'm telling you girl, if I had a fine ass man like that send me flowers I probably would melt on the spot. Seriously, do you not realize how lucky you are to have a man that looks like he's been blessed by the gods chasing after you? Believe me, I would trade places with you if I could.” She breathes out quickly making it impossible not to burst into laughter.
    She joins me and all the tension that I have carried all week seems to just melt away. We spend the remainder of our break eating our salads and laughing like teenagers. By the time we make our way out of the small family owned diner, I feel a million times better about my little predicament. Listening to Dana talk about every one of Liam's physical attributes for almost an hour lightened the situation somehow.
    I return to work ready to finish out my day and start the weekend. For the first time in a while I actually feel somewhat normal. I mean of course there is still a certain someone on my mind but now it seems easier to manage.
    The remainder of the day speeds by and before I know it it's after seven in the evening. Once again I am one of the only people still in the office. Kristina wrapped up early to meet her parents for dinner. With her gone for most of the night and Dana out on a date with Charlie, I accept my fate of a lonely evening and end up curled up in my bed crying my eyes out to Sleepless in Seattle.
    Why I put myself through this movie over and over again I will never know. What can I say, I'm a sucker for a good old fashioned love story. I click my television off and glance to the alarm clock on my night stand. It's a quarter after one. I should be asleep by now but I don't feel the least bit tired.
    I grab my phone to shoot Kristina a text to find out what time she will be home, only to see that she already text me to let me know that she met up with Sam after the dinner with her parents and to not wait up. I scroll through my other text messages and re-read the ones that Liam sent a few days ago.
    They only make me want to see him more so I click out of my messages and toss my phone back on my bedside table. I really should try to get some sleep but the thought doesn't sound the least bit appealing.
    It doesn't take long for the restlessness to kick in. Deciding I can't just sit here, I throw on a pair of jeans and a long sleeve fitted navy blue t-shirt, throw a quick brush though my hair, and slip on my chucks. I have no idea what I am doing or where I am going to go but if I stay cooped up in this apartment by myself for another minute I'm going to go absolutely mad.
    Once in my car, I immediately decide on the Bellagio Fountains. I have always wanted to

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