Claiming Magique: 1

Claiming Magique: 1 by Tina Donahue

Book: Claiming Magique: 1 by Tina Donahue Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tina Donahue
of water from her. Ronnie waited until the young woman had
delivered Hunt’s bourbon and left the room before she continued.
    “You don’t consider shelling out
money for a meal, the theater, a movie or any other activity paying for sex?
How far do you think you’d get with the ladies if you didn’t romance them with
all that other stuff? How many would be thrilled to have you just show up at
their apartments or homes so you could haul them to bed and do whatever you
    “Do you really want me to give you a
    My, what
confidence. If any other man had said that, she
might have laughed. Oddly enough, Ronnie found she liked Hunt even more. He
wasn’t arrogant, just uninformed about females, as most men were, despite his
obvious success in that department.
    “Women who matter,” she clarified.
“Women you really want as you clearly do Alexa .”
    He took a sip of his bourbon,
wrapping both hands around the glass as he swallowed. “I’m not going to debate
this with you. I can’t possibly win. I know Alexa wants me as much as I do her. At the restaurant, we…”
    Hunt paused and took a healthier sip
of his drink.
    His unexpected blush wasn’t lost on
Ronnie. Feeling mischievous, she asked, “You what?”
    “We kissed,” he said, shooting her a
look before glancing past. “And we…argued about a date. I know when a woman
doesn’t want me, and trust me, I’m not a stalker. If things don’t work out with
someone, fine. I move on. But I can’t figure Alexa out.”
    He shoved his fingers through his
hair, then dropped his hand to his lap. “After she
responded to me as she did that night on R Street and at the restaurant, why in
the hell would she refuse to have us see each other again? Why in the fuck
doesn’t she allow what she calls a one on one?”
    “Why should I tell you?”
    He let out a disheartened sigh and
leaned back in his chair. “For the same reason you let me in here, I suppose.
You didn’t have to, but you did. I get that you’re concerned for her welfare. I
understand too that you don’t think I’m a threat. I can see it on your face. So
why does she insist on two or more men at one time? And don’t tell me it’s
because she has a right to enjoy herself just like a guy. I get it. I’m on
board. Hell, I’m no saint. I’ve had two ladies taking care of me more than
once, but it’s not my preference. As far as Alexa’s concerned, I want her. Only her.”
    His confidence was gone, replaced by
naked desperation, the kind that consumed a man, taking away his pride, leaving
him with nothing but need.
    Another woman might have consoled
him. Ronnie tapped out her pills and downed them two at a time.
    He watched, concern flickering
across his face. “Are you feeling all right?”
    She swallowed another sip of water
and cleared her throat. “I’m fine.” Concentrating on this
conversation, seeing his touching desire for Alexa made Ronnie forget her pain for a moment. For that more than anything
else, he’d earned her gratitude.
    She tempered her previous bitchiness
with a bit of warmth. “You have to understand, anything I may tell you about
what drives Alexa is pure speculation. I’m no shrink,
though I’ve been to my share.”
    Hunt put his glass on the end table
and leaned forward, clasping his hands. “Just tell me what you think. That’s
all I ask.”
    She should have refused. In a way,
Ronnie sensed she was betraying Alexa . At the same
time, she knew she might be saving the girl from the way her own life had
turned out. Growing old without a husband and family. Not having the comfort of children and grandchildren that other women took for
    “You know who her father is,” she
    Hunt squeezed his fingers, causing
his knuckles to blanch. “Did he treat her badly?”
    Ronnie nearly smiled at how
protective he was, liking it. “Mostly he ignored Alexa .
I suppose that’s why she acted out as she hit her teens, trying to get his
attention. She

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