Circus of Thieves and the Raffle of Doom

Circus of Thieves and the Raffle of Doom by William Sutcliffe

Book: Circus of Thieves and the Raffle of Doom by William Sutcliffe Read Free Book Online
Authors: William Sutcliffe
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on the whereabouts of Armitage Shank,
or of the stolen money, a certain alert and unsleepy dog, Fizzer, 35 was taking his morning stroll.
    Fizzer was in the park, checking his pee-mails, when from a distant and usually unremarkable thicket, he detected a curious waft. Something plasticky and acrid. A hint of smoke tinged with a
waft of explosive. He went to investigate.

    A bag is a bag is a bag, in general. Unless it is a suitcase. But this, Fizzer knew, was something special. He could tell by the smell of it. Up close, there was a faint aroma of Fluffypants
McBain and a definite honk of cash. This bag was from the post office.
    Fizzer now did something extremely unusual. He began to engage in an activity which in all other circumstances he considered beneath him. He raised his head and barked.
    There were many people in the park, but nobody gave him a second glance. He was just a dog, barking. What could possibly be important or interesting about that?
    Only one person noticed that something was up: a girl, an alert and unsleepy girl, who was at that moment gazing boredly out of her bedroom window. This girl – and I think you know who it
was – recognised the bark, and understood that if Fizzer was barking, something was up which required immediate investigation.
    So she ran downstairs in her pyjamas, slipped into her wellies, and off she went. She had no idea what she might be about to find, or of the reward that was attached to it; she was just
following her instincts, which were to stay alert, keep her eyes open, and never to say no to adventure.

Except that …

a few questions …

remain …

1. Will Hannah find the post office money and get the reward?
    2. What will she do with it?
    3. Who does Armitage suspect of sabotaging his circus?
    4. Does Granny
know who Armitage is? Who is he?
    5. Does Armitage know who Granny is? Who is she?
    6. Is Billy ever going to find his real father?
    7. Is Hannah going to find Billy again?
    8. Why does Fluffypants McBain’s never wash his right ear?
    9. What is the capital of Bolivia?
    All these questions will (probably) be answered in …

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