Chilled in Chattanooga (A Trixie Montgomery Cozy Mystery Book 4)

Chilled in Chattanooga (A Trixie Montgomery Cozy Mystery Book 4) by Deborah Malone

Book: Chilled in Chattanooga (A Trixie Montgomery Cozy Mystery Book 4) by Deborah Malone Read Free Book Online
Authors: Deborah Malone
with anything?” I knew his criminal justice mind was working overtime and hoped he could piece together the facts so I could prove my innocence.
    “Detective Sams said they found poison in her tea. Oh, I forgot they found some of the tea in my room. It’s a rare blend of tea that she ordered off the internet. Beau, I think I’ve been framed. I don’t have any other explanation for the tea showing up in my room.”
    “It sounds that way to me, too.” He paused a beat. “You do need to prove your innocence.”
    At the same time as his comment made me feel better, it also set my heart to a panicked flitter. I’d hoped he would reassure me that it didn’t look all that bad, but now he was agreeing I was in real trouble.
    “Let me make some calls for you, and as soon as I can get someone to cover, I’ll come over there and do what I can to help. It might take a day or so.”
    “I’d really appreciate that, honey.”
    “How’s Nana taking all this?”
    “You know Nana, she’s ready to take on the world for me. She fell night before last and broke her arm, but she’s doing great. She’s sporting a hot pink cast and asking everyone to sign it.” She wouldn’t have any room left before long. “She even asked the waitresses to sign it. I’ve never seen anyone so proud of a broken arm.”
    The door squeaked open a little. Speaking of Nana, a little gray head peeked around the frame. “Trixie, you finished in there? I’ve got to use the lady’s room.”
    “Just a minute, Nana, I’m talking to Beau.” Oops, I spoke before I thought.
    “Beau! Let me speak to him.” She threw the door wide open. There she stood decked out in her footy pajamas.
    I heard Beau’s voice drift from the phone. “Trixie, is that my best girl?” He called Nana his best girl and she loved the nickname. That’s how I met Beau. He was Mama’s next door neighbor and helped her out with yard work, and when Wade stepped out on me, she invited Beau over for barbecue ribs and potato salad, and told me to bring a lemon meringue pie, and the rest is history.
    He’d always been a help to Mama and Nana long before I’d moved back home. I’d forever appreciate what he’d done for them. And that was just a small indication of what kind of man my Beau is. I listened to the two catching up.
    “Hey, Beau. You ought to see my cast. Sure, I’m doing fine. Can you believe the mess Trixie’s gotten herself into? Don’t you worry one little bit. Dee Dee and I are going to help Trixie find the real killer. We’ve already interviewed a couple of people and have more lined up. What? Oh, I love you, too. You want to speak to Trixie now.” Nana handed me the phone with a smile plastered on her face. You’d think she was the one married to him.
    We talked a few more minutes with Beau assuring me he’d come to Chattanooga as soon as he could. “Everything will be okay. God only knows why you’re a magnet for dead bodies.” I could hear the worry in his voice even as he spoke encouraging words to me.
    I went into the bedroom and let Nana have the bathroom. Dee Dee propped up on her elbow. “What’s going on?” She looked at Nana’s empty bed. “Nana, okay?”
    “Yeah, she’s in the bathroom. I just finished talking to Beau. He’ll be here in a few days.”
    Nana returned. “And I told him all about how you and I were gonna’ help Trixie.” A smile crept across her face. I failed to see the humor.
    “Good for you, Nana. I’m sure he felt a lot better knowing you and I were on the case.” Talk about being facetious. Dee Dee won the prize.
    I yawned, then Nana copied me. “It looks like these detectives better get some shut-eye if we’re going to get up early and interview Bodene tomorrow.” Within minutes I heard a symphony of snoring, but I couldn’t sleep. The glowing red numerals on the clock read one, and I still tossed and turned.


    I dozed fitfully all night. Images of Detective Sams, Sergeant Gary

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