Apex Predators

Apex Predators by Natalie Bennett

Book: Apex Predators by Natalie Bennett Read Free Book Online
Authors: Natalie Bennett
Chapter One
    She stepped out of her MKZ and gently shut the door.
"This isn't so bad." Piper said getting out on the passenger side.
"If you say so." She looked at the run down motel and knew they
didn't have a choice. Her car had starting overheating a good few miles back,
which it shouldn't have; it was only four months old. She had pushed it to get
them this far.
    The hot bright sun of Lexford, Osceola aimed down at them
like a laser beam. They were supposed to be in Beach City, probably still eight
hours away. What a great start to this impromptu girl’s heartbreak healing
    She had caught her fiancé with his ex again and really
called it off this time and Piper had been dumped for a younger girl. Which was
actually disturbing considering they were only twenty-three and Piper was hot.
She had long Jet black hair that almost went to her waist and light brown, hazel
colored eyes.
    They were pretty much the same build, both about five
one-ish, and having been gym partners the last few months they now had a little
toning to their flat stomachs. They both had the same creamy skin and there
weren't many differences beyond that.
    She had a chocolate brown hair that hit a little passed
mid back and brown eyes. She had an ample chest but Piper took the cake for
large chest. She had a nice little bottom from squats; Piper's was a little
smaller. They had some personality differences, as where Piper would charge in
guns blazing no questions asked she would actually like to know what she was
charging into beforehand. She actually liked to get to know guys whereas Piper
would just hit the sheets for a night of fun. They were both picky though, but
picky clearly didn't mean winner. They walked towards the lobby of the dingy
motel where a sign towered above read Stayhome Suites. That had to be a huge
joke the building was hideous and falling apart.
    She pulled open the door and took in a small lobby that
only held a cracked leather chair, dirty fish tank and a brown rug that didn't
used to be brown. A heavy set man was behind the counter. He had a bald head
and a long beard. "How can I help you ladies?" He drawled.
    "We need a room." She looked around for a
brochure or something but she didn't see anything.  "Sure thing, how
long ya staying?"  
    That was an excellent question. "Actually my cars
having some issues, is there a shop or mechanic around here?" Please say
yes she mentally begged. "Jed will be in on Wednesday; he works at a shop
a few miles away and works here part time."
    It was only Friday; they didn't have much of a choice
though there was nothing else around here.  "Okay, well take a room until
then." She paid for the room and grabbed the key cards and they headed
back out the door.
    As they were leaving he told them there was a restaurant
and a little gas station about fifteen minutes of walking distance up the road.
 They were on the second story of the building so they made their way up
the ugly dark green painted stairs.  "Well, here we go." She
slid the card and opened the door. "Ew, oh my god." Piper wrinkled
her nose and stepped back outside. The smell was pretty bad. It was like a
potent must and wet dog smell blowing around because of the air conditioner.
    The whole room was way beyond needing remodeled. Old dark
blue carpet, a long brown dresser with a bubble TV, two beds, one with a box
spring falling apart, both covered in a very thin over washed floral blanket
and the bathroom sink was being held up by a large piece of wood. Yeah, the
sign was a riot.
    "We should have slept in the car." She grumbled.
Only one light in the room worked and as she drew open the old faded curtains
to let light in that really showed how bad the room looked, they did a bedbug
check and the room passed. "Let’s go find this gas station and see if they
have some air freshener and cleaning stuff." Piper readily agreed, neither
of them wanted to be in this room. The gas station was in fact about a fifteen
minute walk up

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