Being Grey (Beings Trilogy)

Being Grey (Beings Trilogy) by Gina Keliher

Book: Being Grey (Beings Trilogy) by Gina Keliher Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gina Keliher
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she’s around?” This is said jokingly as there’s enough for twenty even if we don’t eat like pigs. Which we will.
    “I’ll peel some more potatoes.” Unnecessary. “I called Adrian after you fell asleep last night.”
    I’d meant to do that, hadn’t I? “Oh mum, I should have done that. Thanks though.”
    “All sorted, I told him you’d call him today. Now go see if Poppy’s home and I expect you back here by two to help.”
    I go home to an empty house. I should call Adrian first but as Poppy is my best friend, she’s my priority.
    “Hey, it’s me,” I begin.
    “Well hello stranger.” Pretty blunt.
    “I know you’re mad I didn’t come home. I’m sorry. It got….. complicated?”
    “I was worried about you Alice. You upset me. I didn’t know what to do so I came to see mummy. She called your mum and apparently you were in bed. Why would you do that? Why wouldn’t you let me know you were ok?”
    “Because I didn’t think.” I’m glad Parker didn’t reveal our chat. “I’m so sorry Poppy. When will you be home so I can fill you in?” I really do feel horrible.
    “Well what does Adrian say? I haven’t had the call to a meeting yet.” She thought she’d hear from Adrian before me. Wow, she’s really hurt.
    “You’re my first call Poppy. Can we talk about this? We thought you’d be here.” I say, sad that she isn’t.
    “Well if I’m your first call, who’s we?” Smart girl.
    “Me and mum. She’s cooking roast beef and Yorkshire pudding and you’re invited and I wanted to talk to you and…”
    “Your mum is cooking roast beef? I’m on my way. I’ll meet you there in two hours max.”
    Argument forgotten. Yes, mum’s cooking is that good.
    I shower, am now officially cleanest person in southeast, change clothes, even though have only had these on for ten minutes and call Adrian .
    “Sorry I didn’t call yesterday. Mum spoke to you?” It’s a question and a statement.
    “Are you ok Alice ?” Is Adrian ’s only concern.
    I am a complete idiot for thinking I’m the only one involved in this. I want to cry but at the same time I want to grow up. Right now.
    “Fine thanks. If it’s ok, can I call a meeting at your place tomorrow? Lunchtime ok?” I have a new found confidence. I can do this. I was born to do this. And I have more friends on my side than I knew about. There are more of us out there. If I missed Parker, how many more did I miss in passing? “I’ll let everyone know. Noon.” I almost say ‘toodles’ and hang up.
    “Sounds good Alice . You sound good.”
    Why didn’t I just go straight to Adrian yesterday? Six words that made me feel like I was worth a million. Six words that confirm I would fight to the death for any of my friends. All of my friends.
    I love my gang; I love my mentor; my mum; my best friends mummy, OK, Lady Howard; her mentor; Glen and his perfectly pure Being , wonder how his first week went? I love everything worth loving. I’m having an epiphany. Everyone is worth saving. We can do this. We’re the good guys.
    “I’ll make the calls, you make the cucumber sandwiches.”
    I need to work on my leadership speeches.

Chapter Twenty Three
    We’d just got home after dinner. Poppy and I hadn’t talked about yesterday yet. It wasn’t that we were avoiding it; more that dad was in storytelling mode about the navy. That and the fact that dinner was so good we were too busy eating. Sis Lisa had come up for the day from Bath so it was just a really relaxing family day. Good food, good conversation and a good slob on the couch after while we let small portions of the huge intake of food digest.
    We’d said our farewells around 7 and walked the couple of houses home.
    “So what happened?” Poppy asks as she puts the kettle on. “Want to talk about it?”
    “Sure, but let me make a few quick phone calls. I want to see if everyone is available for a meeting at Adrian ’s tomorrow.”
    I disappear into the

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