Being Grey (Beings Trilogy)

Being Grey (Beings Trilogy) by Gina Keliher Page B

Book: Being Grey (Beings Trilogy) by Gina Keliher Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gina Keliher
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    “You are aware that what I feel for you is very different from what I feel for Adam. We’re mates, you, you’re…… impossible.” He sighs.
    “Can we start again? If you like maybe I could meet Adam and the rest of your friends this week?”
    Poppy is shaking her head an emphatic no. Too late I shrug. I’ve already asked.
    “I don’t know Alice . Maybe.” He laughs. “I didn’t ask the guys if they wanted to go to Poppy’s party after we argued. Perhaps I’ll do that and see if a party at the manor is still eating Adam away. And, well, I guess it wouldn’t hurt for you to meet them first. But can you promise me if, or when, you do meet, you won’t call Adam a murderer to his face?”
    “I can do that.” I say with a false confidence.
    “I’ll call you in the week. And I’m glad you called Alice .”
    “Me too. Bye.”
    I hang up and turn to Poppy with a big smile. That disappears when I see the look ‘how stupid are you’ on her face.
    “I’ll be ok and nothing has been agreed on yet. I’ve got to get them to the party Poppy. It’s the only way we can all be together. As Adam isn’t the ‘Taker’, well, we have to find out who is.” I say adamantly.
    “I know, but I don’t like it. Next time, no foray into the woods. Stay close and let me know where you are at all times ok?” She pleads.
    “Deal. Now let’s catch up on TV, before the meeting tomorrow.”

Chapter Twenty Four
    I wake up to the sound of my phone chirping. I have a message from Adrian . ‘Change of plan. Meet at the Eye at noon.’
    I smile. He always was one for an adventure. Why go for a coffee at his when we can have a birds eye view of London instead?
    When I get downstairs, Poppy is sitting at the kitchen table yawning. “Did he wake you up too?” she asks sleepily.
    I nod.
    “This had better be good!” she grumbles, “I was dreaming about Johnny Depp.”
    We hop off the train at Waterloo and make our way slowly out of the station. The London Eye is less than a five minute walk from here. And it’s a beautiful day for it. I’ve only been once before. When I was 10 my dad brought my sister Lisa and me. It had been open for less than a year back then, and millions of people have been on it since. Some originally saw it as an eyesore, but I always looked at it exactly as it is – a really huge Ferris wheel.
    Poppy leads the way to the ticket booth and introduces herself, “I’m Poppy Howard. Penelope. I’m meeting some friends here.”
    The woman behind the glass smiles. “That’s nice for you, love. £8.50 each please.”
    I burst out laughing – can’t control it – only to be tapped on the shoulder by a security guard. “You and your friend are to follow me please.”
    Poppy smiles, “Yes Sir, of course! Did Adrian send you?” She really is pretentious sometimes, but that’s her charm.
    The guard, however, ignores us and stomps away leaving us having to do a little jog to catch up. He leads us into a VIP area, where the rest of the gang is waiting. I check my watch thinking we might be late, but it’s only ten to. I guess they’re eager to hear the latest.
    Adrian , looking exquisite in a suit and open necked shirt, smiles warmly and says, “I thought this would be nice for a change.”
    I can tell we all agree, though Stefan is pulling one of his ‘I’d rather be in the pub’ faces.
    A man in a navy suit and pink tie enters and asks us if we’re ready. Adrian nods and we all follow him out of the room. Before we know it, we’ve skipped the queue and are being herded in to a pod. Adrian must have rented the whole pod for us, as no-one else gets on behind us.
    It’s eerily quiet as we start to make our slow assent. It hardly feels like you’re moving, although I do remember that my sister got motion sickness when we were younger.
    “I need to tell you all about Jason.” I say. I know we only have half an hour in here, and if I’m to get any answers, I

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