Being Grey (Beings Trilogy)

Being Grey (Beings Trilogy) by Gina Keliher Page A

Book: Being Grey (Beings Trilogy) by Gina Keliher Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gina Keliher
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lounge while Poppy makes the tea and I call the gang. Robbie had already known as he lives with Adrian but had appreciated the call. No problem with Stefan. I left a message on Annabel’s phone. She apparently has a life, who knew? She’s getting more fun by the minute.
    “I’m kind of glad we didn’t talk until now.” I say as I return to the kitchen. “It’s given me time to think.”
    “Think. You, that’s a first,” Poppy says. I’m glad she’s forgotten she was mad at me, “what are you thinking about?”
    I relive yesterday’s picnic for her. “I realize the importance of friends. I’m not saying I’d taken you all for granted but my first thought was that Jason was the biggest idiot ever. Now I think I overreacted. It’s still wrong what they did, cover it up, but I know now that I’d protect you at any cost.”
    “Oh, Alice ,” she’s started to blubber, “I’d do the same for you. You do know that don’t you?”
    Poppy blubbering tears at my heart strings. “Of course I do. I just didn’t realize how much I loved you until someone pointed it out.”
    “Jason pointed it out?” Poppy looks confused. “You didn’t mention that bit.”
    “No not Jason, Parker. I know Poppy. I can’t believe you never told me. I’m not mad just amazed. How did I not notice?”
    “He never said!” Poppy exclaims. “Sly old fox. I’m so glad you know. Oh Alice he’s so much more than the butler slash chauffeur everyone assumes. He’s kind of retired but not. It’s almost like having a guardian angel looking out for you. He doesn’t hunt good or bad anymore, just keeps an eye on me and mummy. Apparently mummy is his pride and joy and they were inseparable as mentor and student so mummy and daddy agreed to give him a position in the manor. How did you find out?”
    I explain how I’d gone to the manor looking for Lady Howard and how the afternoon had progressed, including the conversation that more likely than ever there is a ‘Taker’ among Jason and his friends.
    “I’m still mad you didn’t just come straight home but I’m glad you know about Parker. But can we keep it quiet from the rest of the group? Not a secret, just a need to know kind of thing?”
    “But why, it’s so cool?” I’d be telling everyone.
    “Why draw attention to him if there are damned Beings or ‘Takers’ at the party? He’s getting old now. He’s done his duties, mentored the ‘Gifted’, let him live a quiet life now. Wouldn’t you want that one day?” Poppy asks.
    “Yes, I understand.”
    “So now the big question is, what are you going to do about Jason?”
    “I don’t know. The longer I leave it the more he’ll think I’m just a silly girl but shouldn’t we talk with the others first?”
    “Maybe, but I can’t wait and don’t even pretend you have one iota of patience. I know you better than that Alice . Call him now and don’t go in to the lounge, I want to hear this.”
    “Hi Jason, it’s me, Alice.”
    “I know who it is. What do you want?”
    “What do I want?” I whisper to Poppy with my hand over the mouthpiece.
    “To say sorry you dope” She whispers back.
    “I wanted to call and say sorry you dope.” Eek. “I mean I may have overreacted Jason.”
    “I’d say. What is your problem with Adam? You barely even knew him when we were younger and you sure as hell don’t know him now. I just don’t get it Alice and I don’t want to spend time with someone who doesn’t get on with my mates.”
    I’m scared he’s just going to hang up so I just blurt anything out to keep him on the phone. “I want to spend time with you.” No hang up yet. “I said I’m sorry, I guess I’m a little jealous,” too much I mouth to Poppy. She shakes her head, no. “There used to be a time when you stuck up for me like that.”
    Dead silence.
    “Jason? Are you still there?” I ask.
    “I don’t know whether to laugh or say goodbye. You’re jealous of my friendship with Adam?”

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