Chasing Glory

Chasing Glory by DeeAnna Galbraith

Book: Chasing Glory by DeeAnna Galbraith Read Free Book Online
Authors: DeeAnna Galbraith
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it, and run. Cornering his best “nose” appealed to Tal right now. Until he heard voices. The view afforded by the partially open door surprised the hell out of him.
    Rudy was bent backward over the side of Tal’s desk, Glory looming over him. In punctuation to her lecture, she shimmied provocatively and kissed the air around Rudy’s face. Somehow, the act, incongruously performed by a beautiful woman in a business suit, warmed Tal to his toes. Even though he stood a good twelve feet away.
    Rudy’s expression turned to distressed embarrassment.
    Tal smothered a laugh. Glory was now giving the short man a predatory smile, even as he slid sideways and made for the office door. He pretended to study his watch as the small man emerged. “You’re late,” Tal said, tapping the crystal.
    Rudy’s head bobbled as he nearly broke into a run down the hall.
    Tal stepped to the doorway as Glory appeared, red-faced. “Please tell me you didn’t see that,” she said.
    “’Fraid so.”
    Her gaze searched the floor. “I don’t know what came over me.”
    “Hey, I enjoyed it.”
    She brought her gaze up to his neck. “He sort of had it coming. But mine was very unprofessional behavior.”
    “I told him the other day he was going to pick the wrong woman,” Tal said, entranced by her creamy pink jawline. “And his behavior needed checking. I was thinking along the lines of a harassment suit. Giving him a taste of his own medicine was way better.”
    Glory started to giggle. “It was kind of fun.”
    And a total turn on . However, she’d be mortified if he told her that. He wanted to share moments like this with Alyssia, but had a hard time imagining her in a situation where her sense of humor could come into play. He wasn’t sure she had one, but maybe all it needed were the right circumstances.
    Tal grinned and held out his hand. “We still a team?”
    She took it and raised her gaze. “Yes.”
    He enjoyed the momentary warmth of her skin. “Good, we need to discuss our next strategy. Could you come down about noon tomorrow? I don’t have any staff reviews scheduled.”
    Beautiful blue eyes searched his for an instant, speculating on something he could only guess at; maybe her decision to accept his offer. “Okay,” she said. “We can brainstorm while we eat. I have a few more ideas that might work.”
    Tal watched Glory walk to the elevators. Barely a week had passed since she’d agreed to help him and he relished the time he spent with her. As a means to Alyssia, of course. He went into his office and closed the door, then changed into his comfortable clothes.
    • •
    Glory called Catherine as soon as she got back to her desk. “When did you say Pryce was returning?”
    “Tonight. Why?”
    “Aside from his lunch with Alyssia today, Tal is stuck for more ways to get together with her outside the office. I had a glimmer of an idea I was going to share with him tomorrow, but I wanted to run it by you first because it involves Pryce.”
    “What is it?”
    “Tal’s got a really great roomy place. I thought since Pryce will be moving here, Tal could host a small, tasteful gathering for him on Sunday evening. Pryce is a major account, so Alyssia would almost certainly attend if invited. Tal would have the home court advantage and maybe be more relaxed.”
    “Just because she shows doesn’t mean Tal will be able to make a chip in the ice,” Catherine said. “But it’s worth a try. What are you going to suggest he serve?”
    “I was thinking a selection of empanadas and tapas and some good Washington wine. Then mini tarts with Kingston chocolate sauce garnishes. Not a lot for Tal to do but heat up the savory bits.”
    “I like it. I’ll invite two or three local couples to make it look legit. I set up a friend with a commercial broker who would love to meet Pryce.”
    “I knew I could count on you,” Glory said. “If Tal likes the idea, can I tell him it’s okay to go ahead and invite Alyssia, or

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