Life on a space station is hard for a Terran, Nenita has adapted as well as she could. A raider strike on her station sends her and her crew to the battle stations as support and she ends up between a psycho and two of her best friends. Only two out of three survive the attack, something which burns in Nenita the whole time she is being tortured and altered to suit her captor's ideals.
    With her talent out of control and her refusals getting violent, she is sent into the wilderness to await a selection of raiders and prisoners who have fought for the dubious honour of three days in her bed. Up a tree, she meets her matches, but unless something drastic happens she isn't going to come down to face the two men who defend her. Will the Oefric win her heart, or just a night in her bed?

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    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
    Copyright © 2011 Viola Grace
    ISBN: 978-1-55487-862-8
    Cover art by Martine Jardin
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    A Terran Times novella
    Viola Grace

    Chapter One
    Nenita Chase sat with her friends and toasted to the upcoming wedding. "To Mari and her beloved Nishino. May you be together in harmony for the rest of your lives."
    The group of women cheered and raised their glasses. The Venith Station ground crew was together to celebrate the marriage of one of their own and they were having a lovely time doing it.
    Nenita smiled at Mari and the glow of happiness that she had. She stifled her feeling of unease when she thought of the groom-to-be. Nishino was on Nenita's crew and he had been making fairly strong advances toward her since the moment he landed. His engagement to Mari had not really slowed him down. Six months later and Nenita was still nervous about turning her back on Nishino.
    "So, Nene, when do you choose a mate?" Sarcothra elbowed her in the ribs.
    "When the Alliance allows me to. It is out of my control and has been since I left my world behind." She was raising her cup to her lips when the alarm sounded.
    "Balls. All right, everyone on call, to your stations!" Nenita was out of her chair and running for her station in seconds. Three of the party members followed her, splitting off as they reached the launch bays.
    The claxons continued for five minutes before the lights went to minimal ambiance. Nene shuddered at the implications as she set the ninth defensive ship into place with a few deft strokes of her keypad. Her station was filled again and ready as the next ship came up.
    The crew of the battle ship was in place and the alarms sounded again when the outer hull of the station ruptured. Whatever was attacking them was well armed.
    Nene took comfort in the soothing motion of gears and the whine of the launch gear as ship after ship was hauled into position. When she had gotten all of her pilots out to defend the station, she helped Sarcothra launch all of hers.
    Nene asked her friend, "What do you think it is?"
    "Raider attack. I heard the pilots talking. They have come to the station in force and I have no

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