Charm & Strange

Charm & Strange by Stephanie Kuehn

Book: Charm & Strange by Stephanie Kuehn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stephanie Kuehn
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had nowhere to go. My left shoulder drove into the wall and I writhed like a creature in a petri dish.
    “Drew, Drew,” said a voice. “What are you doing?”
    I blinked and looked into Keith’s frightened eyes. My sides heaved. I released a strange moan of anguish, the cry of a wounded animal.
    His soft words coaxed me out from under the secretary. I dropped the glass and flopped forward onto the Oriental rug like a dead fish. Keith rolled me over and pressed a napkin to my throat, which felt very warm and sticky. Then he put both arms around me and held me in his lap. I shut my eyes. His heart thumped through his T-shirt. He smelled ripe with sweat and fear, but everything, all of him, soothed me until I ached to be absorbed into his body, like one of those vanishing twins. At last, Keith said, “They’re all gone, okay? I told them to leave you alone. Why don’t we sit down? I’ll get a bandage for the cut.”
    I followed him to the living room on shaky legs, surveying the mess in the dining room as I walked. What had I done? What would happen to me? This wasn’t like the carnival parking lot. I had no means of escape. I moaned again. Keith settled me onto the love seat, flipped on a floor lamp, and examined my neck. His shirt was streaked with blood.
    “The cuts aren’t too deep. I’ll be right back,” he said. “Do you need anything?”
    I sniffled. “Some—some orange juice.”
    He nodded. When he returned, he had a first aid kit and the glass of juice.
    “Lean back into the light,” he said, and I did. The Bactine he put on stung, but I stayed very still. A funny feeling came over me as he cleaned me and positioned the bandage and tape. The feeling started at the top of my head and worked its way down, a gauzy tingling that spread across my face and stitched up the holes in my heart, my arms, my belly. It felt good. A radiating warmth born from his touch. His concern.
    At last Keith sat back. He pulled me to sitting. “They’re barely more than scratches. Nothing bad. You’re lucky.”
    I nodded. Relief flooded into his eyes, I saw it, but with the funny warm feeling gone, I felt nothing. Keith sat beside me and touched my hand and asked me what was wrong. That did it. The floodgates opened. Once I started talking, I couldn’t stop. I told him everything, a great endless rush of complaints. I told him about my misery, how I was lonely, how I was jealous of Charlie, how I knew people didn’t like me, how I didn’t like me, no, no, not one bit. After a while, my head began to swim, a slippery sliding in and out of reality. I looked at the empty juice glass, then back at Keith. This was not a new feeling. I forced my mouth to move. “Phenergan?”
    His face drooped with guilt. “Xanax, too, okay, so don’t be scared. You won’t remember anything.”
    Drugs hit me hard. Always. I started to drool and shake. Keith wrapped me in his arms again, very tight, and whispered, “I had to. I’m sorry. I told them it wouldn’t be as bad if I did it. Please forgive me.”

    “I know what you’re waiting for.” Lex lies on his left side with his elbow digging into the tent’s nylon floor. His other hand plays with a pack of Marlboros, but he doesn’t light up. He knows I hate cigarettes. A camping lantern hanging from a plastic hook shoots a clammy glow across his face, but above us both the tent ceiling has a cutaway that opens to the sky. I sit cross-legged and stare out at the stars. The moon hides. It’s crab-crawled around the side of the mountain and I’d have to step back outside to see it.
    “Yes,” I say. I don’t have the strength to lie or play games.
    “Why tonight?” he asks.
    “The moon is full.”
    “Yeah. I get that. But you—it, it hasn’t happened before, has it?”
    I hesitate. “N-no.”
    “No? Or you don’t know.”
    “No,” I say. “I haven’t changed.” My voice is firm and Lex nods, seeming to take my response at face value,

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