“Nothing. I mean, well, I saw something, but I don’t know what it was.”
“Where was it?” Her brow line wrinkled as she scanned the room.
“By the window.” The curtains were closed and I had no intentions of opening them.
Alison hesitated as she neared them.
“Wait,” I said. “Let’s just forget about it.”
“Sorry, chicky, I can’t sleep if I think something, or someone, is creeping around the house.” She flung the curtains back in one quick fluid motion.
She let out a sigh of relief, which made me relax a little more. “There’s nothing there. You might be just as paranoid as I am.”
I smiled. “Yeah, I guess. I just have too much going through my head I guess.”
“It’s okay. I get it. I’m always looking around every corner too.”
Wow, what a way to live. I wasn’t going to spend my life afraid of my own shadow. “Well, I refuse to do that.”
Alison backed up and looked away.
I reached out and touched her arm. “I didn’t mean…Alison, I didn’t mean to…”
“No, it’s okay, I know. I shouldn’t be this way, but I am. I can’t help it. I’m scared.”
I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her in for a hug. She shouldn’t ever have to feel that way. “I’m sorry, Alison.”
The rest of the night was spent tossing and turning in bed. Every noise I heard, I couldn’t help but wonder if it was someone from the football team. Each time I closed my eyes I pictured Stacey and Alison. Their stories mixed with everything I already lived through made for the worst nightmares. I finally concluded that the universe was mad at me for trying to move on, for trying to be happy. This was my punishment.
It wasn’t until the sun rose that I was calmed down enough for sleep. I heard Alison snoring slightly from the living room so I relaxed, letting sleep take over.
A few hours later, noises coming from the kitchen, jolted me wide-awake, and I grabbed my phone to see what time it was. Noon. I slept until lunchtime, but I felt so much more rested. “Alison?” I hollered. No answer. No more noises. I strained to hear anything but it was silent. I checked my phone again. There were five new text messages waiting for me. Two were from Vahn, two were from Alison, and one from Steve.
My throat constricted. I checked the ones from Vahn first. Good morning beautiful. Can’t stop thinking about U. I deflated when I realized he sent those that morning and probably thought I was ignoring him. I texted back real quick: Sry. Slept in, just woke up. Long nite. I chewed on my lip trying to think of something to text back that would be equally flirtatious as him thinking of me. That happens when I dream of U. Okay, so it was somewhat corny, but at least he’d know I wasn’t ignoring him.
Alison’s text said she made it home and that she’d call me later. That meant I had one left. One that I didn’t want to open. I held my breath and swiped the screen opening his text. Bad things happen when U say no. U have 1 more chance. The noises I thought I heard before waking sounded in my head like alarms.
My heart beat so fast I thought it would explode. I stared at the message re-reading it over and over, making my anxiety worse. Jumping out of bed, I clung to my phone like a security blanket. I didn’t want to be home alone. I didn’t want to be anywhere alone.
Quietly, I tiptoed down the short hall. I pressed my back up against the wall and tried to calm my heart before it exploded. Before all my courage dissolved, I peeked around the corner into the kitchen. No one was there. A flood of relief rolled through me. I checked the living room and the front door—which was locked. I was just paranoid. Steve messed with my mind and now I was doing nothing more than playing into his game.
After a hot shower, I hurried to get dressed and put a little makeup on. Today was the day; I was going to go to the police. I had a couple of texts saved on my phone. That should be enough,
Desiree Holt
Judith Millar
Harriet Evans
R.J McCabe
J.I.M. Stewart
Danielle Monsch
Madison Faye
Steph Shangraw
Edward Whittemore
Leona Wisoker