Stone Guardian
of battles had ever caused. There was a split-second pause, a hesitation before she drew away and leaving him bereft. Without a word she went into her kitchen and the book was tossed in the trash, the look she gave him as the rattle of paper hitting metal hung in the air almost defiant, as though she was waiting for him to comment.
    When no words came from him she changed from defiant to bashful, pink once again dusting her skin while her hand reached up to rub the back of her neck. She cleared her throat. “Bringing the conversation back to my school crashers, Fallon said something rather interesting to me.”
    “I do not doubt that. What did she say?”
    Larissa started giggling, sweet, nervous sounds that she covered by placing her hand over her mouth. She was as adorable as any youngling at that moment, her shining eyes still visible inside of half-closed lids and her cheekbones rounded in mirth. Something in him loosened at the sight, freeing space in him that let air travel easier and deeper, as though now was the first time he knew what it was to truly breathe unencumbered. “She is a very intimidating woman when you are up close and personal.”
    Perhaps a diplomatic meeting with the Guild was in order. He did not wish Larissa to fear in the place that should be her sanctuary. “Do not feel cowardly for thinking that. Most warriors would rather run than face Fallon in battle.”
    “Have you ever fought her?” she asked, stark interest in her tone.
    “No, and while I would if I had no choice, I would never wish to. What did she say?”
    “Well, like you,” Larissa said, giving him a pointed look, “She didn’t seem to believe me when I said I had no idea why I was attacked by zombies. I then asked her why she didn’t know what was going on. Obviously, she had some information if she was there waiting. And she had the funniest look of annoyance come over her face. She said some meddling bitch sent her to my place that night and didn’t have the courtesy to tell her why she was there. Would you have any idea who she meant?”
    There was only one being who could possibly cause that reaction in a warrior of Fallon’s caliber. “My guess would be the Oracle.”
    “The Oracle? THE Oracle?”
    “As far as I know, there is only one.”
    Larissa’s mouth hung open for a moment. “The Oracle,” she repeated. “I’ve heard about her, but… wow.”
    She is connected to the future of your Clan. Guard her well.
    “I don’t understand,” Larissa continued. “If the Oracle is involved, why didn’t she just tell them who was behind this and what they want me for?”
    “Yes, it would be nice if she was something other than inscrutable.”
    “Have you ever met her?”
    No, he would not tell.
    His protection of her was all that mattered. There was no reason to inform her of the Oracle’s visit which started his interest in her, or the months he watched over her without her knowledge. He would not risk their fragile relationship over the truth.
    There was no reason then for this gnawing sensation that crawled through his insides with sharp teeth, eager to tear into his flesh and let him bleed.
    “No, I have not.”
    A clock chimed in the background, bringing Larissa’s head up. “It’s later than I thought. I need to get to bed.” She became unsure again, the same uncertainty that colored those first minutes. “Thank you for coming in and answering some questions. And thank you for…” here she colored again, her eyes softening at the memory which played behind them. “Thank you for everything you said to me tonight. I might not want what is happening, but I’m grateful to have you helping me.”
    His wings flickered, and for the first time in his life he had to hold them steady against him. “I would not have you afraid if I can prevent it.”
    Her hands were twisting together lightly, broadcasting her nervousness in the next question. “Is there some way I can contact you if I need to

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