hated hearing that she thought the only way out was death. That was definitely not true. There was always another way. “Don’t talk like that. There has to be a way to figure it all out, to stop Steve from being a prick, and find a way to have the team held accountable.”
I had to help her. I might have a guilty conscience, but I still knew that no matter what, life was precious, and no one, absolutely no one, deserved to think their life wasn’t worth living any more. Anger flooded me and I clenched my fists. All I could think about was decking Steve as hard as I could in the face. I wanted to wring his neck, kick him in the…
A knock on the front door made us both jump. I looked at her and smiled. “Pizza.” I let out a deep breath as I rose to get the cash on the kitchen counter.
I opened the door to a freckle faced high school student in a pizza delivery uniform. I paid him and closed the door, making sure to lock it behind me. Lifting the box, I inhaled the scent of pineapples and bacon, and then set it on the coffee table.
I went to the kitchen for drinks and paper plates. “What do you want to drink? I have water and soda.”
“A cola works, thanks.”
I grabbed two cans from the fridge and hurried to the couch. Alison put the movie on and we dug into our pizza. It felt good to do something with another girl again. Alison reminded me of Celeste. Not that she could ever take her place, but it could be nice to have an actual friend again. People could have more than one friend, right?
My phone went off and I checked it, hesitant. Each time it rang I worried it would be from Steve. I couldn’t help but smile when I was it was from Vahn. Hey beautiful. Thinking about U. Wanna do something 2nite?
I texted back: Can’t. Hanging with Alison 2night. Girls night.
That’s good. U need 1 of those. Wanna do something 2morrow?
“I know that smile,” Alison said. “I’ve had it before. What’s it say?”
I lowered the phone and tried to keep the smile from returning, but it was stuck. “It’s from Vahn. He wants to do something tomorrow.”
“Well? Text back already. What are you waiting for?”
I laughed as I hit reply. “I know, I know. It’s crazy. We’ve only been together two weeks, but it feels like so much more already. Is that strange? I mean, should I have so many feelings for Vahn so soon?”
“My mom and dad swear they were in love at first sight, and they’re still together twenty-four years later. I don’t think it’s crazy at all.” Alison gulped down her soda.
I texted Vahn back with a huge grin: Luv 2.
It didn’t take but a second for him to reply: Gr8. Wear painting clothes. C U at noon?
I giggled. I wasn’t sure what he meant by painting clothes, but I would figure it out. I texted back: K. : ) Can’t wait.
I took a bite of pizza and contemplated what it meant. Surely he didn’t expect me to paint anything. If he did, he was in for a surprise cause that was the last thing I knew how to do. Art was never my thing in high school. I couldn’t even hold a brush right.
The movie ended up being a total dud, but we made the most of it by turning down the volume and letting it finish playing out in the background as we talked. It was one in the morning before we started yawning.
“Why don’t you just stay on the couch tonight?” I asked her. It was a selfish request, but I didn’t really want to be alone after finding out so much about Steve.
“Really? Yeah, okay. That works for me. I don’t have class tomorrow so I’m good for a bit.”
Excited, I leapt up from the couch. “Great. I’ll go get a blanket for you.”
I walked down the hall to my room, flipped the light on, and flung the closet door open. I knew I had one or two extra blankets somewhere in there. I pulled one off the top shelf and closed the door. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw movement by my window. I cried out and dropped the quilt.
Alison came running to my room. “What’s
Elizabeth Brundage
John Case
Kathryn Harvey
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David Shade
Catherine Ryan Hyde
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Laura Matthews