Slapping Leather

Slapping Leather by Desiree Holt

Book: Slapping Leather by Desiree Holt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Desiree Holt
Tags: Romance
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to find a solution to her
    When Katie called on Wednesday to invite her to
dinner on Saturday, her friend refused to take no for an answer.
    “You’ve been avoiding everyone for a week,” Katie
pointed out. “Reece has a cattleman’s association meeting. We can stuff
ourselves with forbidden food and indulge in some girl talk.”
    “Oh, Katie, I don’t know if—”
    “No excuses. Seven o’clock or I’ll come to your
house and make a stink. Your employees would just love that, wouldn’t they?”
    So reluctantly, she finished her work on
Saturday, took a long hot shower, and dressed in a pair of her comfy jeans and
a T-shirt. Pulling her hair into a ponytail she swiped gloss over her lips,
picked up her purse and keys and headed for what she was sure would turn into a
lecture. On the drive to the Halliday ranch, she rehearsed all the things she
would say to Katie to explain why she wasn’t going to see Alex anymore. By the
time she pulled into the turnaround in front of the house, she had her
resolutions firmly in place.
    But it wasn’t Katie who opened the door. Instead,
she was shocked to see Alex, in tight jeans and a knit collared shirt that
showed every sexy line of his body. Liz stood rooted to the spot, stunned and
    Alex reached for her hand and tugged her into the
house. “Don’t be mad at Katie and Reece. I made a pest of myself, and I think
they said yes just to shut me up.”
    “Yes?” Liz frowned, still trying to gather her
wits together. “About what?”
    “About being alone with you outside of Rawhide.”
He was drawing her further into the house, and she seemed powerless to resist. “You
wouldn’t answer my calls, wouldn’t come to the club. I was going nuts.”
    She realized they were in the great room, the
lamps turned down low and music playing softly from the built-in speakers. Her
eyes tracked around the room, spotting a tray on the coffee table with wine in
a cooler and two glasses, and a tray of cheese and crackers next to it. She
started to back away, but Alex held firmly to her hand.
    “No. I’m not letting you run away this time.” He
put her purse and keys on a side table and grabbed her other hand, turning her
to face him. “I don’t know what this is between us, Liz, but it’s damn sure
more than some hot D/s play. And I want to pursue it. To see if it’s what I
think it is.”
    Her stomach knotted. “And if it isn’t? You just
walk off into the sunset? Thanks for the ride?”
    “You might be the one to do the walking,” he
pointed out. “But I don’t think that’s gonna happen. Either way.” She tried to
pull her hands away, but he tightened his hold on them. “At least sit down and
talk to me.” He grinned. “I’d hate to waste such good wine.” He brushed his
lips over hers. “Half an hour, Liz. Tell me what’s wrong. If we can’t resolve
this I promise, I’ll back off. Please.”
    Liz worried her bottom lip, her body and her
emotions in a tailspin. Just the touch of his hand heated her entire body. And
something else, deep inside her, was clawing to get out.
    Take a chance, Liz.
    She heard Katie’s words in her head, sighed, and
nodded. Maybe it was time to unload her baggage. If Alex wasn’t serious about
this and he dumped her, at least maybe she’d be ready when someone else came
    But she sure hoped it didn’t turn out that way,
because she couldn’t deny her feelings for him any longer.
    “All right. I guess at the very least I owe you
an explanation. Then we’ll see.”
    He smiled at her with a mixture of relief and
heat, threaded his fingers through her hair to hold her head in place and
kissed her with a hunger that burned through her body. His tongue was a live
wire, washing fire over every interior surface of her mouth, jolting her clear
down to her now pulsating cunt. Oh, god, how quickly she melted into him, heart
pounding, body crying out for him.
    He kissed her and kissed her until she had no
breath left

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