Chance of a Lifetime

Chance of a Lifetime by Rhyannon Byrd, Joey W. Hill

Book: Chance of a Lifetime by Rhyannon Byrd, Joey W. Hill Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rhyannon Byrd, Joey W. Hill
back was the hardest thing he’d ever done.
    * * * * *
    And apparently the stupidest. Eight innings. He was playing like shit, and no sign of her at all.
    “What’s got your dick in a twist?” his sergeant demanded. “If you don’t hit the ball this time, I swear I’m going to stick the bat up your ass to give whatever you’ve got rammed up there company.”
    “I hit better with a stick up my ass than most of you clowns do on your best days.”
    Joey W. Hill
    “Yeah, yeah.” A few more razzing comments from his teammates, thrown punches, and he felt more fortified to go to the plate. He narrowed his gaze at the pitcher who smirked at him. The bat was going to connect with something this time that would knock him on his grinning ass.
    Damn it, he had connected with her . He could find her. It wouldn’t be so hard with all the resources he had at his disposal. He’d persuade her. Nibble on that sensitive spot on her neck and she’d give him anything.
    Then he saw her. Just sitting down on the top bleacher in a little cotton dress and sandals, looking as pretty as the summer day. When she saw him looking, she gave him a tentative wave, telling him she wasn’t sure of his welcome. Well, fuck that. He handed the bat to the umpire. “I’ll be right back.”
    Vaulting over the four-foot chain link fence like it wasn’t even there, he took the bleachers two at a time up to where she was. When he got to her, he didn’t give her any preliminaries. She started to speak, but he bent down, caught her by the upper arms and took her mouth in a hard, demanding kiss that told her exactly how much he’d been thinking of her. There were catcalls and whistles from the dugout, laughter from the bleachers and somewhere in there his sergeant’s voice.
    “Chance, get your ass down here and bat.”
    All that mattered was how she melted in his arms, the way she curled those slim fingers into his T-shirt and held on, bringing back all sorts of memories. When he lifted his head, her beautiful eyes were soft, aroused. “I wasn’t sure if you meant it,” she said quietly.
    “I don’t say what I don’t mean.” He nipped her chin, lifted her hands and kissed one at a time. “You might need to remember that now.”
    At her curious look, he smiled. “Remember what I said I’d do if you came to a game?” He leaned down, whispered in her ear. “I’ve got a solid dozen in my wallet.”
    Her laughter filled his ears as she wrapped her arms around his neck. He tightened his grip, lifting her briefly off her feet, burying his face in her hair.
    Chance of a Lifetime
    “I’m glad you came,” he murmured into her ear.
    When he let her down, she briefly swept her lashes down in that shy way that stirred his libido, remembering her cuffed and stretched naked across the hood of the Porsche.
    “Well, what woman passes up the Chance of a lifetime?” She teased him with his surname, but as she raised her gaze, she became more serious. “I’m not sure if I’m good for you, Jake. This may be a mistake you’ll regret but…” Her shoulder lifted. “I want you. So…” She took a deep breath, her fingers flexing nervously on his chest. “I’m here.”
    Ah hell. Screw it. He swung her up in his arms, delighted to catch her startled expression a moment before he headed back down the bleachers with her in his arms.
    He shook his head at his teammates, indicating he was out of tonight’s game.
    There were shadows under her eyes. She needed someone to help out, take care of her. She probably thought she’d come tonight and they’d have a repeat of their night in the corn field. Then he’d let her go home and take care of her other life all by herself.
    Well, if he’d gotten her here with the offer of more, he was going to live up to it.
    They’d have the fantasy, but he’d show her he could be part of her reality too. A part she wouldn’t regret having there.
    She was his chance of a lifetime as well.
    Joey W.

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