Chance of a Lifetime

Chance of a Lifetime by Rhyannon Byrd, Joey W. Hill Page B

Book: Chance of a Lifetime by Rhyannon Byrd, Joey W. Hill Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rhyannon Byrd, Joey W. Hill
Jake came to the hospital to join Stacie for dinner, he saw a peace in her mother’s eyes, the worry she’d been carrying for her daughter and husband now not as sharp.
    Joey W. Hill
    There was sadness and pain. A lot of tears. But there was also happiness and the discovery of what being in love was all about, in the shadow of two people who had truly lived it, were living it to the very end.
    Things had changed so much for both him and Stacie. Love was like that. Magic.
    Just like all the books said.
    He slipped into the kitchen. The shadows had disappeared from beneath her eyes and she’d put on some weight, in all the right places. One of those places was very pleasingly displayed as she bent over, loading the dishwasher. Thank God, she was wearing the white nurse’s uniform he liked so much, the one with an above-the-knee skirt. It wasn’t immodest, but it hugged her trim figure like an hourglass and had a zipper down the front that gave him no end of fantasies, to her amusement. She hadn’t yet donned her ankle socks and comfortable orthopedic shoes, which while good for work, tended to minimize her sexy legs. Of course, he didn’t mind that. There were too many male orderlies and doctors at that place she worked as it was. He’d be glad when that diamond on her finger had a second gold ring keeping it company.
    She was rearranging the plates he’d tossed in haphazardly yesterday morning. He needed to do better about that. He’d rather conserve her energy for other things.
    He eased up behind her and as she straightened, he caught hold of her waist, making her jump, but when she tried to turn, he held her fast, sliding one hand up to claim one breast, easing down the zipper to find curves cradled in a thin lace bra. As a sexy little tremble ran through her, he pressed his attentive cock up against her soft ass.
    “You didn’t lock your door, little girl. Look what kind of trouble you let into the house.”
    “Mmm…” A shudder rippled through Stacie as his fingers teased a nipple while his arm held her fast. God, she loved his strength. The way he smelled, the heat of him. The way he made her want to devour him alive one moment and then the next, she wanted just to curl together on the couch, feeling him doze off from a long day, his arm still holding her close. Or the way her knees went weak, every time, when he arrived at 78
    Chance of a Lifetime
    Rivershores to have dinner with her and her mother or play checkers with her father.
    He always cleaned up first, made sure he shaved for her parents. Wore a clean shirt and brought her mother flowers.
    She’d found far more than a lover the day she’d been stopped by Jake Chance.
    She’d found something she’d never realized a man could be. A best friend.
    Though friendship wasn’t at all what she was thinking about now as he ran his hand down her thigh and started to gather up her skirt in front, reaching under the uniform to find her panties. She smiled as his clever fingers found the lace thong she’d had time to slip on before he arrived.
    “You’ll have to make it fast,” she whispered, laying her head back on his shoulder as he bent his head to her throat, bit. “My fiancé is due home any minute and he’s very jealous. He’s a cop,” she added. “He has a gun.” As he pressed harder against her, she smothered a giggle. “A great…big…gun.”
    His hand came up, collared her throat. “You are going to start locking that door, or I’m going to start spanking you.”
    She braced her hands on the sink, wiggled her ass against him, at first to tease and then with more serious intent, a rhythmic stroking up and down his length. “That’s supposed to discourage me from doing it?”
    He groaned. “It will if I really tan your hide.” But a moment later he had the zipper to her waist and his hands full of her breasts. Stacie gasped as he fondled her with those far too knowledgeable fingers, making her pussy’s reaction trickle down

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