Catharsis, Legend of the Lemurians
Legend of the Lemurians
(Earth Keepers Chronicles: Book 1)
    Prequel to THE EARTH SHIFTER
    Bonus: Excerpt from THE EARTH SHIFTER
    the upcoming dystopian YA fantasy/thriller
    Books by Lada Ray
    GOLD TRAIN, rip-roaring
thrill ride across Russia. (Accidental Spy Russia Adventure, Book
psychological mystery/thriller (Accidental Spy US Adventure, Book
    GREEN DESERT, riveting
story set in Iraq (Accidental Spy Prequel)
    Coming soon:
    THE EARTH SHIFTER, new YA Fantasy
    DRAGON GATE, Accidental Spy Asia
    Smashwords Edition
    Copyright © 2012 Lada Ray
    Cover copyright © 2012 Lada Ray
    Visit author’s official website:
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    Earth Keepers Chronicles: Book 1
    Before recorded history, before Humanity, since
times immemorial, the Earth Keepers have been watching over our
planet. Marked at birth and endowed with supreme powers, the nine
chosen ones are the Earth’s record keepers and moderators, and when
the time comes, the ultimate decision makers. This is the first of
their chronicles.
Legend of the Lemurians
    P lanet Catharsis
was a beautiful red planet located on the outskirts of the
Andromeda Galaxy. Everything on the planet was a lovely shade of
red, orange, or fuchsia. Catharsis had two beautiful moons: the
purple moon and the orange moon, which illuminated the nightly sky
when its red sun was napping.
    Just like the planet itself, its inhabitants
were truly beautiful: gorgeous women clad in exquisite gowns and
elaborate hairdos, stately men with dignified features, and
adorably angelic children. Even the old people were beautiful: nice
grannies knitting pretty hats or baking delicious cakes and
cheerful grandpas taking lovely morning strolls to discuss the
latest news at a nearby café.
    Catharsians prided themselves on their large and
beautiful houses. In fact, one house was more beautiful than the
next. People of Catharsis treated beauty as an art form and a
lifelong competition. On this planet, being a beautician was a high
honor, but what was even better was to be a plastic surgeon.
    Once, the planet of Catharsis possessed a rich
animal kingdom, with animals of varying species living in the
woods, fields, and waters. Catharsians also kept adorable pets. But
at some point, they realized that all these pets were terribly
messy, what with chewing on their owners’ stylish shoes, scratching
valuable sofas, and leaving fur everywhere—and that was
unforgivably ugly. Soon, all the pets were gone, vanished, as if
they never existed.
    Initially that caused a stir in society, with
children crying for their little furry friends and even some adults
longing for them. But what wouldn’t one sacrifice for beauty? So,
eventually everyone in the Catharsian society adjusted to the
absence of pets.
    However, there was still the question of all those
wild animals, which continued to bother the beauty-oriented
Catharsians. One day, all the wild animals were gone as well. That
caused much less of a stir, although the group called Fair
Catharsis tried to stage protests. The population at

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