Carthage Must Be Destroyed

Carthage Must Be Destroyed by Richard Miles

Book: Carthage Must Be Destroyed by Richard Miles Read Free Book Online
Authors: Richard Miles
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    heroic-divine reputation
    later years
    in North Africa; attack on Carthaginian camps; battle of Zama; treaty with Carthage
    preparations in Sicily for invasion of North Africa
    return to Rome
    siege of New Carthage
    tactics at Ilipa
    victory in Spain
    view of Hannibal
    Scipio, Publius Cornelius, Roman commander
    against Hannibal in Italy
    battle of Hibera
    battle of Ticinius
    first contact with Hannibal
    sea walls
    Second Punic War (218–201 BC)
    build-up to
    declaration of war
    Hannibal’s advance to Rome
    Hannibal’s years in Italy
    Scipio in North Africa
    treaty and indemnity
    see also Hannibal Barca
    Segesta, Sicily
    dispute with Selinus
    Seleucid Empire
    Seleucus I, king of Syria
    Selinus, Sicily
    dispute with Segesta
    new Punic settlement
    siege of
    temple of Heracles
    Sena Gallica, Umbria, battle of
    Sennacherib, Great King of Assyria
    Septimius Severus (grandfather of emperor)
    Septimius Severus, Lucius, Emperor (193 AD)
    Servius Tullius, Roman king
    construction method
    and Mediterranean trade
    Phoenician advances
    gauloi (merchant ships)
    story of first boat
    Sibylline books (Roman oracular books)
    Sican people, Sicily
    Sicca, Numidian town
    mercenaries in
    sanctuary of Astarte
    Sicel people, Sicily
    Carthaginian control over western part
    Carthaginian exports to
    Carthaginian fortresses
    Carthaginian losses to Pyrrhus
    cultural syncretism
    First Punic War on
    and Hannibal’s propaganda
    Heracles in
    Mamertine mercenaries
    Melqart in
    military mints
    relations between Punic and Greek populations
    Roman control over
    Roman interest in
    Roman invasion (213–211)
    Roman legion sent to (217)
    Scipio Africanus in
    see also Lilybaeum; Syracuse
    Sid, Carthaginian god
    Sid Babi (Sardus Pater)
    temple at Antas
    cults of Eshmoun and Astarte
    trade from
    under control of Tyre
    ‘Sidonian rights’ ( ὺš şdn ), in
    Siga, Numidia
    Silenus of Caleacte, historian/writer
    association of Heracles with Hannibal
    on capitulation of Tarentum
    with Hannibal
    on Hannibal’s march to gates of Rome
    Silius Italicus
    Punica (poem)
    on temple of Melqart at Gades
    collapse in value (6th century)
    Greek lack of
    see also coins and coinage
    silver ore
    Spanish mines
    skyphoi (Euboean drinking cups)
    freed to fight in army
    legal freedom for
    in Roman army
    Roman law on
    in silver mines
    Solomon, king of Judah (Israel), sale of cities to Tyre
    Solus, Sicily Cannita sarcophagi
    Somalia, Tyrian-Israelite expedition
    Sophonisba, daughter of Hasdrubal Gisco
    Sosylus of Sparta, historian/writer
    and Hannibal
    Souma of Khroub, Numidian mausoleum
    Barcid administration of
    Carthaginian ambitions in
    euhemeristic account of Heracles’ journey from
    fiscal structure
    Greeks in
    Hamilcar Barca’s expedition
    Roman campaign in
    silver ore
    trade to Greece
    victory for Scipio in
    see also Andalusia; Gades
    Sparta, alliance with Athens
    Spendius, leader of mercenaries
    Roman rite
    staircases, twin, Acragas
    Statilius Taurus
    Statius, Roman poet
    of Heracles
    manufacture of
    terracotta figurines
    double-headed (Baal Hammon and Tanit)
    erected by Abibaal
    molk inscriptions
    sign of Tanit on
    Geryoneis (poem)
    Strabo, Greek geographer
    Su Nuraxi, Nuragic settlement, Sardinia
    Sudan, Tyrian-Israelite expedition
    suffetes (two elected senior magistrates)
    Sulcis, Sardinia tophet
    Suniatus, rival to Hanno the Great
    Syphax, king of Massaesylian Numidian kingdom
    alliance with Segesta
    defeat by Rome (263 BC)
    and Mamertines
    peace treaty (405 BC)
    and Pyrrhus
    and Roman control of Sicily
    Roman siege (213–211)
    support for Carthage against mercenary rebels
    as threat to Rome
    treaty with Carthage (373

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