Calm Like Home
flick my eyes over the length of him and savor the mess he's made of me.
    It’s after dark when I finally turn to him and say, “How about that swim?”
    His eyes meet mine, brimming with excitement and he nods his head. “I think I have some basketball shorts in my car.”
    He leaves to retrieve them and I change into a bathing suit. Unlike last time, I can choose a swimsuit for the occasion. I decide on a turquoise and white string bikini that ties at my neck and hips. I wind a large beach towel around me and slide my feet into my flip-flops by the door.
    We snake our way through the buildings hand in hand, picking our way across the dimly lit sidewalks. It’s a calm July night and there’s hardly any wind, making the night air almost eerily quiet. It’s completely dark inside the enclosure with the exception of soft lights dotting the perimeter of the pool. They cast long shadows out over the water, bathing the surface in a muted, peaceful glow.
    I follow Adam into the water, watching as it covers first his shins, then his thighs, then his stomach. The water curls and laps around us, shimmering in the moon's reflection. It crests and falls as we slowly edge deeper and deeper. The only sound is our bodies gently gliding through the water.
    When it meets his shoulders, he reaches for me. His eyes are milky sweet, his touch smooth as chocolate as it glides over my skin. For once he isn't smiling. His lips are perfectly relaxed, barely parted, his eyes transfixed and wide. He's just watching me, bobbing mere inches away, a look of pure contentment written on his face. His hand edges to my waist. Then he's pulling me closer, closer, until his lips meet mine and his wet hands cup either side of my face.
    When he pulls away he whispers, “Who are you?”
    His voice is tinged with reverence, his eyes narrowed in soft scrutiny. His hands are still cradling my face, droplets softly splashing back into the water below. I kiss his palms, his chin, his shoulders. I wrap him in my arms, flatten myself against his chest. He cranes his head backwards until his gaze locks with mine. The dark of his eyes seeps into me, all of me, as if exploring every nook and cranny. And I wonder if he sees it nestled there in my chest, cradled deep in my soul, how much he means to me.
    “You. Are. Wonderful.” His voice is low, barely audible, the words slow and smooth as each one rolls off his tongue. A smile breaks onto my face, surprised at the honesty in his voice, the awe in his eyes, the way he doesn't look away, not even for a second. Finding my hands underwater, he presses his palms flat against mine, winding his fingers between each of my own.
    “You amaze me,” he breathes.
    “I'm yours.” The words flow out of me, simple and true. And for once they are the right words. I know I've never said anything more honest, ever. My heart, my love, my body, it’s all for him, there for the taking. All I know is I never want him to let me go.

Chapter 11
    The intensity of our late night pool excursion stays with me, lingers fresh on my mind. I went into this expecting nothing. Sure I’d hoped to be more than friends, would’ve settled for a fling, but I never expected this complete enrapture, never this maddening pull to always be closer. I’m drawn to him in every way I can be. I want every piece of him all over me. I want to know every inch, explore every bit of who he is, give him every last bit of me, completely coalesce until there’s nothing left between us.
    The realization slams into me, awakens an overwhelming panic at the thought of him going away. I’ve been so wrapped up in his presence I allowed myself to forget the reality of the situation. I completely evaded the fact that our time together is limited, that there’s a perpetual looming countdown to goodbye, each second ticking slowly by until the end. And now I’m suddenly so aware of how short the summer really is, how fleeting the late nights and the warm breeze

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