Calm Like Home
are, how the cold air beckons, driving him away.
    I know I should talk to him, to find out what this is and whether he wants to try to make it work beyond the glow of the summer sun, but the words get tangled up in my throat. They skirt away from my tongue, crash against the backs of my teeth instead of pouring from between my lips. Our communication style has been that of shared glances and dancing fingertips and the sweetest of kisses, none of which conveys what I know I need to say. No matter how I try, words don’t seem to accurately capture what this summer has meant to me and how badly I don’t want him to go. God, with everything in me, I don’t want him to go.
    When I walk into Milano’s for my next shift, I spot Adam and Damien chatting by the line. Adam catches sight of me over Damien’s shoulder and his face breaks into a warm smile.
    “One more month!” Damien is saying. “Your birthday’s going to be insane! Seth and I already have it planned. We’re getting a keg, taking you to the titty bar. You better get ready, son!”
    “Just another day in paradise,” Adam jokes back, eyes still fixed steadfastly on me.
    I clock in and stroll over, giving him a curious look as Damien walks off with his table’s food. “You’re a Virgo?”
    “You better believe it. September fourth, baby.”
    “No way,” I say shaking my head, a disbelieving grin spreading over my lips. “You’re joking, right?”
    “What?” he asks, studying my face with intrigue. He pulls his wallet from his back pocket and flashes me his ID. There it is plain as day, September fourth. I look up at him, a mixture of hesitation and astonishment playing across my face. I don’t say a word, just take my own ID out of my purse and hand it to him.
    He takes the card and examines it, curious what I’m up to. I can tell the instant he notices it. His face relaxes and his mouth slightly parts.
    “September fifth,” he breathes.
    He stares into my eyes for a long time and it’s like he’s trying to work something out. A half-smile plays on his lips and finally he says, “Actually that makes perfect sense.”
    “And why would that be?” I ask, raising an eyebrow quizzically.
    He pauses for an instant, never taking his eyes off mine.
    “Because we’re connected. Where I end, you begin.”
    His words level me a thousand times over. I want more than anything to reach out and kiss him, but I’m frozen there, dumbstruck. He gives me a what-it’s-the-truth smile, hands me back the ID, then disappears towards his tables.
    The hostess quickly seats my first table and I’m forced to collect myself. After greeting them and bringing their drinks over, I approach the computer on the line to put their order in. Adam catches sight of me and comes to stand at my side. My hand is resting on the counter and he slowly, almost imperceptibly, begins running his fingers lightly along my skin. They softly trace over mine, moving gently over the palm, up to my fingertips and down again.
    I smirk up at him. “I’m trying to concentrate here.”
    “And I’m trying to distract you. Who’s winning?”
    I playfully push his chest.
    “So what’re you doing later, Lex?”
    “I was hoping I’d have a hot date.”
    “You were, huh? Do you have some stud already picked out?” He nods towards a portly older man seated alone at a nearby table. “How about him?”
    “You’ve got me. That’s my sugar daddy.”
    “Man, I’m feeling a little jealous. I was hoping you’d want to hang out with me.”
    “I might be able to make arrangements,” I say flirtatiously. I glance up at him then add, “You know, it’s times like these I really wish I could wink properly. There are so many times when a wink most appropriately conveys a message. I feel so excluded.”
    He looks at me puzzled. “You can’t be serious.”
    “Oh, believe me, I am. I can’t do it.”
    “Come on, it can’t be that bad. Let me see”
    “Adam, I’m telling you that

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