Call On Me
Do you know much about it? Have you researched it?”
    Sharon chose
that moment to arrive with the jug and two glasses, which she
placed on the table, winking openly at Chris. “There you go,
    “Thank you,” he
replied coolly, the clear note of disapproval in his tone causing
Sharon to flush and retreat hurriedly.
    Ali silently
cheered. Yes! Her date was focussed on her and not the waitress
with the hot body that had many of the single blokes in town
panting after her.
    He was also,
unfortunately, focussed on getting her to spill her plans for a
future he would approve of, then again, maybe he was intense
because he was planning for the future himself and wanted to see
others strive as well. Not that she didn’t strive. She was good at
her job, she liked it, and she was content.
    “So Ali,” he
said, “This manager’s position you’re chasing-”
    “What? No!” Ali
hurriedly lowered her voice as a couple nearby glanced their way.
“That was a joke. I’m not after the manager’s position. I’m really
happy doing the reception work, Chris.” When he frowned, she sought
to divert the conversation, “Enough about me. What do you do in
your spare time?”
    “I run. Every
morning, I have a long run.”
    “Nice. I enjoy
    “Go to the gym,
swim. I believe in looking after one’s body.” He glanced over her.
“You can join me if you want.”
    Her mind went
completely blank. Surely he hadn’t just suggested that?
    “Getting into
shape is so important, don’t you think?” he continued. “I’d be more
than happy to mentor you, Alissa. I’d have you fit as a fiddle in
no time.”
    Sweet baby
Jesus. She could not have heard correctly. “I beg your
    “Healthy mind,
healthy body, striving for success. It all goes hand in hand.”
    “My health is
perfectly fine. Blood pressure, pulse, you name it and I’m
healthy.” Grabbing the glass of water, she took several fortifying
gulps. How the hell had they gotten on to this subject?
    “But healthy
isn’t being overweight.”
    Ali froze.
    He smiled
kindly. “You’re a pretty girl, Alissa, don’t get me wrong, but
think how far you could go if you lost some weight.”
    Her mouth fell
    “Healthy mind,
healthy body, success. It’s so important to have all three balanced
just right.”
    “Are you saying
that because I’m larger than society perceives as acceptable, I
won’t go far in life?”
    “It could hold
you back.”
    Shock was
giving way to anger. “If people are going to judge my talents on my
looks, then I don’t particularly want anything to do with
    “Now, Alissa,
don’t get upset.” He spoke soothingly. Reaching out, he caught her
hand and squeezed gently. “It’s well known that misery hides behind
the happy face of a large person. I like you and I’m just trying to
help you. Let me help you.”
    She gawked at
    “I can help you
sort out your weight issues, help you rise above your mediocre
career, make something of yourself.” His smile was just as gentle,
his eyes warm with understanding. And pity. “Once you lose some
weight, we get you up the career ladder-”
    “Are you
freakin’ serious?”
    “Of course. So
what do you say? Meet me in the morning for a jog before work?”
    Reaching out,
Ali picked up the jug of water, stood, leaned across the table and
upended the lot over Chris’s head.
    He squawked,
sputtered and leaped out of his chair. “What the hell?”
    “You ever come
near me again, you drongo, and I’ll rip your head off,” Ali
snarled. “You’ll find out first hand just how hard a large woman can hit!”
    The restaurant
was dead quiet, the owners coming out of the kitchen to watch
    Shoving his
dripping hair back from his face, Chris gaped at her. “Alissa, I
didn’t mean to-”
    Head high and
cheeks flaming, Ali stormed away from the table, refusing to look
at anyone, feeling totally humiliated. Shame rode her hard, all she
wanted was to get

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