Burial of hearts the black widow's malice

Burial of hearts the black widow's malice by N Parnham Page B

Book: Burial of hearts the black widow's malice by N Parnham Read Free Book Online
Authors: N Parnham
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drawn all the
clouds away from above the stadium; as if the gods were watching intently from
above, pinching away any stray clouds as they drifted by. There was chanting
among the crowds, as they became excited for the event(s); cheering for their
favourite individual(s).
    Hecate rose from her seat, her
voice magnified by her power for all to hear.
    “May all here present, raise in
thanks that our great games have been possible again this year. You, as
citizens of this city, are the honouree guests and we thank you graciously for
permitting time from your drudgery to be with us today, to witness this
spectacular occasion”.
    Hecate lifted up her arms,
embracing the fire within; it erupted, filling the stadium in flumes that rode
on the wings of immense birds, gently caressing the tips of paradises lost,
then shrinking into a single point, exploding in a colourful display of her
royal powers.
    Musicians rode out, drawn by the
might of a hundred horses, all as white as the midwinter’s snow, uniformed in
stride and direction they routed their way around the stadium, giving rule unto
their music as it came into the world in faultless harmony. Then came the march
of many. The greatest conjurers of magick this city, possibly even the world,
had ever seen. The wizards of old, held tightly onto their staffs, necromancers
detained death in their clutches, witches rose up in an encirclement of
supremacy and then a loud call was made and all around departed.
    The names of all were placed
inside a container; they spiralled within a whirlwind of light, hovering gently
down, waiting to be chosen. Hecate raised up the first two to do battle in the
    “Vuntrela and Zeroni”.
    A highly regarded witch and an
equally authoritative conjurer of death. Silence crept throughout the crowd; I
closed my eyes as darkness took hold of the skies; the symbols of evil
slithering through my mind, reigning over me for the lust of blood. Shaking my
head, I opened my eyes again to see hell on earth rising up before me; the
corpses of the corrupted dead, crawling from infernal depths. Their bodies
decaying, ate away by frightful creatures, leaving flesh lifelessly hanging.
Encircling Zeroni, they bore vengeance on the words of her vulgar tongue, a
pure predator of the lowest rank.
    Parasites crawled from beneath
the feet of the Vuntrela; her eyes opening up to the door of madness. Their
strikes blew away the crowds; the unholy revered, as side by side they roared
for the sight of death.
    Each opponent struck with
darkened desire, the mortals falling with each fail of their skill. The bones
of the dead were broken and dismantled as Vuntrela cast forth magick,
calculated to the finest degree. Zeroni, now exposed, it was not long before
she was overwhelmed by the might that was cast towards her.
    The crowd leapt to their feet, their
bloodlust now resigned for the time being. One of the stadium’s workers took
the body of Zeroni away to be crudely disposed of after the event had finished.
    “Congratulations are in order for
our victor, Vuntrela”. Said Hecate.
    The events of the day continued,
the stadium felt soulless, sacrificing itself to hold these cruel games. I
could see that Hecate seemed pleased with the proceedings, often urging on the
contenders to be more brutal with their attacks; on the odd occasion she even
decided to intervene, where her thirst had not been satisfied.
    “This is the clash everyone has
been waiting to witness”. Camerine said as he pointed over to new contenders.
    The faces of the two wizards were
locked upon each other; they had both fought many times together and now at the
hands of one, the other would step down, resigning to the grave.
    A vault of secrets spat forth, a
garden of tranquillity ripped from within and by the might of their staffs, a
shower of awe eroded any judgements that had been placed upon the other; now
clear in sight they showed their untold powers for all to see. Rising from

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