Burial of hearts the black widow's malice

Burial of hearts the black widow's malice by N Parnham

Book: Burial of hearts the black widow's malice by N Parnham Read Free Book Online
Authors: N Parnham
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the present”.
    We walked out from his house,
down the always pristinely maintained path, to just before the ending of the
row of upper class homes. He pointed at the target house, telling me
demandingly what to do; now I can see why his wife died.
    We waited
fifteen minutes until the door opened; he summoned his guards to follow him and
his wife around the city, giving me the opportunity to fulfil his request.
    I was
affront of the house door, I pushed the key firmly into the hole and with quite
some force I turned it, opening the door, then hurriedly locking it behind me,
just in case they were to return unexpectedly.
up the stairs I opened several doors until I found what I was searching for;
the sleeping quarters of Markam and his wife. The bed was enormous, almost
twice that of mine; There was a dressing table littered with perfumes that were
half full; obviously she was quite an undecided lady. The glossed mahogany
wardrobe lined the front wall, built in to provide extra support for the
ceiling above. I placed the flowers upon the edge of the bed, ready for the
upheaval when they both returned, which was sooner than I was expecting.
door downstairs gave the familiar sound of keys turning; I rushed into the
bathroom behind me, opening the cracked window, I could not let them see me; I
climbed up, squeezing through the window and into a gap smaller than I ever
thought I could possibly get through. I could hear them walking up the stairs,
discussing the few products they had bought and moaning about what was not available
today. With a scream of anger from the wife, I let go landing with a bounce
atop of the shrubbery below. He yelled in vain that he never met this woman. As
I made my way through the alley back to Tenro, I heard a slap so brutal, it
would have been able to shatter crystal.
was stood grinning as I walked towards him, whilst trying to catch my breath.
    “Brilliant work”. He said, I did
not feel as though it was. I turned to see Markam and his wife coming out of
their house; the tears rolled down her face, with words of bitter hatred
filling the street for all to hear.
    We both walked past; Tenro looked
directly in the eyes of Markam, lifting his eyebrows as if to say ‘you mess
with me again and it will be a lot worse’. What an awful task I have just
undertaken, I have most likely ruined a marriage; I do not even know if they
have any children, but at the least I have broken love in two.
    “That will be all for today Avis,
you have done wonders for my self-esteem; here have an extra fifty coin for a job
well done, I may see you later at the stadium, good day ”.
    There were more entertainers in
the centre of the city than usual, obviously trying to feed off from the event
of the day; earning extra coin for their troubles. I was quite intrigued by the
silver human statues; they had formed themselves into groups, merging
themselves to form different objects; often changing to the bewilderment of the
crowds watching. A group of fire breathers blew their flames dangerously close
to the children as they passed, catching and smouldering the hat of a well to
do individual; now that is a mistake they would have hoped would go unnoticed.
    An artist was busy at work, drawing upon
multiple thin canvasses, creating the illusion that the ground had distorted
into something completely trivial; whether it was a deep hole, or stairway that
did not exist, his chalk knew no boundaries of creativity.
was a sign outside a newly renovated building, inviting all that dare to come
in and to try and find their way back out. Interested, I walked over.
you dare enter the upside down house? Where all you see is not what you
see”. Said the coin collector as he waved his hand and bowed down.
    “Why not, I have time to waste ”.
    “Be careful, for the world may never see your face again; that will be five coin please”.
    Often carnivals that came to
Malkaretz had similarly

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