Chinese Civil War," Ph.D. diss., Columbia University, 1995, especially 283-371.
22. We still lack an in-depth study of Soviet assistance to the CCP during the civil war. In general, Soviet aid seems to have been more substantial than either Moscow or Beijing admitted during the Cold War but still far less significant in overall value than the aid provided to the GMD by the United States. Useful overviews of Soviet assistance for the 1947-48 period may be found in the reports in Arkhiv vneshnei politiki Rossiiskoi Federatsii, Moscow (AVPRF), f. 07, op. 21, pa. 21, d. 308.
23. For an insider' s view of Stalin's China policy, see Mikhail S. Kapitsa, Na raznykh paralleliakh: zapiski diplomata [On different parallels: A diplomat's reports] (Moscow: Kniga i biznes, 1996), 27-55. See also Andrei Ledovskii, "Stalin i Chan Kaishi. Sekretnaia missiia syna Chan Kaishi v Moskvu. Dekabr 1945-Ianvar 1946 g. [Stalin and Chiang Kai-shek. The secret mission of Chiang Kai-shek's son to Moscow. December 1945-January 1946], Novaiia i noveishaia istoriia 6 (1996): 100-129.
24. See Andrei Ledovsky, "Mikoyan's Secret Mission to China in January and February 1949," Far Eastern Affairs 2 (1995): 72-94 and 3 (1995): 74-90.
25. Mao Zedong to Stalin, January 13, 1949, Arkhiv Prezidenta Rossiiskoi Federatsii (APRF), f. 45, op. 1, d. 330, pp. 100-3. For an English translation of the Mao-Stalin exchanges in early 1949, see Cold War International History Project Bulletin 6-7 (Winter 1995/1996): 7, 27-9.
26. Ledovsky, "Mikoyan's Secret Mission," 2 (1995): 85.
27. Liu to Stalin, July 4, 1949, APRF, f. 45, op. 1, d. 328, pp. 48-9. This is the official report from the CCP CC to the CC of the CPSU. It was presented by Liu at a meeting of
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the CPSU CC Politburo on July 11, 1949, and first published by Andrei Ledovsky, "The Moscow Visit of a Delegation of the Communist Party of China in June to August 1949," Far Eastern Affairs 4 (1996): 64-85. The emphasis is Stalin's. The full text is in the appendix to the present volume, document III.
28. Former Soviet Vice-Foreign Minister Mikhail S. Kapitsa, author's interview, Moscow, September 7, 1992 (hereafter "Kapitsa interview"). For accounts of Liu's visit, see Shi Zhe, Zai lishi jüren shenbian [Beside historical giants] (Beijing: Zhongyang wenxian, 1991); Ivan V. Kovalev, "Dialog Stalina s Ma Tsedunom" Problemy Dalnego Vostoka, 6 ( 1991 ): 83-93; 1-3 ( 1992): 77-91; Zhu Yuanshi, "Liu Shaoqi 1949 nian mimi fangSu" (Liu Shaoqi's secret visit to the Soviet Union), Dang de wenxian, 3 (1991): 77-9.
29. Record of conversation, Stalin-Liu, June 27, 1949, APRF, f. 45, op. 1, d. 329, p. 4.
30. This, indeed, may have been one reason why Mao suggested that he visit "the countries of Eastern and Southeastern Europe" in April 1948 (Ledovsky, "The Moscow Visit," 77).
31. Record of conversation, Mao Zedong-Roshchin, October 16, 1949, AVPRF, f. 07, op. 22, pa. 36, d. 220, pp. 48-51.
32. Record of conversation, Roshchin-Zhou Enlai, November 10, 1949, AVPRF, f. 0100, op. 42, pa. 288, d. 19, pp. 81-5; Andrei Gromyko to Stalin, November 26, 1949, AVPRF, f. 07, op. 22a, pa. 13, d. 198, pp. 32-6.
33. This summary of the 1949-50 Moscow summit is based in part on Sergei N. Goncharov, John W. Lewis, and Xue Litai, Uncertain Partners: Stalin, Mao and the Korean War (Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1993) and is largely consistent with the findings in that volume. The reminiscences of one of Stalin's main China advisers, Ivan Kovalev, provide a useful, but expectedly one-sided, guide to the talks: Kovalev, "Dialog Stalina s Mao Tszedunem" [Stalin's dialogue with Mao Zedong], Problemy dalnego vostoka 6 (1991): 83-93 and 1-3 (1992): 77-91, also useful are the reminiscences of Shi Zhe, Mao's Russian interpreter: Zai lishi jüren shenbian [Beside historical giants] (Beijing: Zhongyang wenxian, 1991). The most complete archival holdings on the negotiations are in Vyshinskii's ministerial papers, AVPRF, f. 07, op.
Cornell Woolrich
Monette Michaels
Parkinson C. Northcote
Terry Bolryder
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